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What's the point of tracking floors?

What's the point of tracking floors? Is there some additional health benefit to climbing 10+ floors a day?

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I think it's there because there are a segment of fitbit users who exercise by climbing stairwells. Counting floors (instead of steps) is the common way of counting this.

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

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Stair climbing is considered as one of the best work out to strength and tone your legs. Read more here. Also it would help to increase HR. There are lot of articles available on the net to support this. Here is another one!



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Try a step climber for 10 minutes and you'll see why.  Smiley LOL

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I don't climb any more than i have to. Too hard on the  knees. I guess if you worked in a cube farm you would do that for exercise though .

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My Fitbit isn't one that counts floors, but even so I try to include some in my daily activity. 


I'm fortunate enough to live somewhere that makes that easy...






Ultimate Goal: Mens sana in corpore sano
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If I do step ups on a low adjustable bench at home, will that contribute to my "levels", or do I have to climb actual stairs?

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No it will not. You need to go up 10 ft in elevation for it to count a floor.


Community Council Member

Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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There is considerable risk in imitating those who are already at a lean weight and physically fit. It can lead to significant chronic pain and won't help you much in your journey to lose weight. Yes, we see some rare Fitbitters who walk many steps a day and hang around for a long time. But most disappear quite quickly. 


You only need to exercise enough to burn about 500 calories over your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) to be able to lose weight at about a pound a week. There is no need to rush it. If you go a month and it doesn't work, assume your Fitbit is not quite accurate and increase your exercise a bit. 


I've withdrawn from all diet discussions, but you can look in my profile to see what I've said and click on mytrendweight below to see my progress. 


All of us who have been around for a while have had periods of negative progress. Try to accept it as a normal part of the journey and make the adjustments you feel are necessary. If you find something that works, keep doing it until it doesn't work anymore.


Good luck in your journey. I know you can make it.



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