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Why do we wait until January or Monday?

Hi everyone! 


Why do we wait until January or Monday?


The key word to explain this is probably procrastination, which is basically when we put off doing things or we leave them to the very last moment. Many agree that procrastination comes down to two things: Pain and Pleasure.


When it comes to workout and exercise, we're definitely looking to avoid pain when we're constantly delaying our goals. I feel that's why it's very important to do activities that we actually enjoy if we're planning to exercise constantly or if we tend to procrastinate often. 




If we enjoy going for a walk with our dogs for example, and this helps us reach our daily step goal, we don’t procrastinate when going on walks because we enjoy it and don’t associate pain with the activity.


What has been your experience with procrastination? Feel free to share your thoughts, experience or stories about how you managed to overcome procrastination. 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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Hi @DavideFitbit I'm not a big procrastinator on the whole, but I do suffer from inertia (some may say it's the same thing!) When I am faced with a task I am a bit anxious about - often because it is something I haven't done before, or because it is cold - I do put whatever it is off. The way for me to get around this is to make a small start - however small doesn't matter. Once I've actually started, the next step is much easier. For example going swimming in winter - if I get my bathers and other gear out then I am much more likely to swim in the morning. But if I just think I might go it is far less likely to happen!

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Helen | Western Australia

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I love that, that's a good strategy, @NellyG! If we get started with something small, we're more likely to complete the task! 😀


Thanks for sharing. 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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I usually procrastinate a task that in my opinion doesn't add value to my life per se, but for numerous reasons it has to get done. I also know that once it gets cold, getting me outside is really difficult unless there is something fun in it for me. It isn't because I don't want to do things, it is because the cold bothers me more than whatever I am not doing gives pleasure. As far as your original question about why Monday or January, I think that is what people associate starting something new with, new week, new year, new goal. The problem with it is, if there isn't a commitment behind the start that surpasses the newness of it, it doesn't last and people go on with whatever they were doing before the "new" start. Sometimes it's better to start something on the most random time of the year or week.. start when there is true purpose and commitment. I started my weight loss on a Wednesday in March because that's when I realized I need to make a change 

Elena | Pennsylvania

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I feel like procrastinating before my walk today.  It's so cold in the morning.  My Fitbit is telling me to take a light day since my readiness score is low.  I'm still going to take a walk.  I just need to layer my clothing first so I feel nice and toasty.

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I think it's a very human concept to want to "start fresh" and we see Mondays and Januarys (hence... New Year) as easy opportunities to start fresh.  Sometimes people start fresh at the beginning of a new month, maybe you ate terribly the month of October due to all the Halloween candy, so you decide that you're going to "be good" once November rolls around.


I'm sure there are some scientific studies, but to me, it is a very human response to want to wipe the slate clean and start over.  Whether it's Mondays, a new month, or a new year.  

Heather | Community Council | Eastern Shore, AL
Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit Get Moving in the Lifestyle Discussion Forum.
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That's very true, @emili, there needs to be something more behind out intention to start an activity on a certain date, it doesn't have to be Monday or January if we have the right reasons or motivation. 😀


That's great, @MarilynBeth2! I think this happens to most of us with the cold weather, we tend to think about it a few times before we gather the energy to go outside. It really makes you appreciate the summer days even more. 😎


That's an interesting point, @Heather-S, it is probably a very human response, to start fresh or start from scratch. This could indeed be helpful for many, as long as they have a clear goal and the motivation! 

Davide | Italian and English Community Moderator, Fitbit

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