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Yes we can

I feel like i am not the only one going threw this. i have days where im extremly motivated and confident and then out of no where i binge and loose track and become angry, frustrated and upset at myself. i get mad that i messed up and that sometimes i cant keep promises with myself. and i feel hopless.but the times that i do mess up i use it as a reminder to myself. i write down how awful i felt and disgusted and i remember the feeling and so when temptation comes I re-read what i wrote and decide accordingly. In part I think our mistakes are what keep us in check and remind us why where doing this in the first place. it reminds us why we started. I found a quote on pinterest that I absolutly love i dont remember it word for word but it was something like this...

"eating one thing bad and then saying i already ruined my clean eating might as well eat bad the rest of the day is like if your phone falls and hits the floor and you say might as well smash it against the floor untill its shattered".

I know thats very different then the original but I cant remeber word for word. but that stuck with me. and made me realize that just because of one bad eating indulgence doesnt mean i should ruin things even more and really dig myself in an even bigger whole. I have to move past my mistake and stay on track. Luckly even when I myself dont feel motivated i come on the fitbit community post and vent out or read others stories and remind myself that I can do this. We all can do this.

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A moment of weekness doesn't have to ruin a good day/week.  Forgive yourself and know that if you look at the week you've had, you are so much better off than you were before you starting working out.  You are worth the effort.  Every choice you make does not define you on the whole, but the sum of your decisions over time will.  


You can do this. Yes, You Can.

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Motivation....that's the crux of weight loss and fitness/wellbeing.


Time for some tough love advice, FS...


There is absolutely no one, no group, nothing that can help you more than you can help yourself.  Not Jenny Craig, not Nutrisystem, not Weight Watchers, not Paleo diet, etc.  If you aren't 100% dedicated and invested in your desire to get fit, nothing else matters. 


For me, everything else, while remaining important to me (my wife, our kids, work, etc.), is secondary now to my getting to my target weight and then beyond that to my stretch goal weight. 


Back at the end of Oct 2013 when my doctor told me I had Type II Diabetes, it was a sucker punch to my gut.  On top of what I already was going through (MS and chronic thyroiditis and being way overweight).  Well, that's when I finally "woke up" to my condition and realized that although being a very bright fellow, I had been cleverly deceiving myselt that all I needed was my brain.  But, it has been a great motivator for me to become OCD about getting fit once again.


Now, I understand that you are a partner with your body and if you don't treat it right, it starts to shut down. 


Fast forward to today....116 lbs lighter and I am actively thinking of ways to physically exhert myself while eating healthy.  At first, my motivation was to get over diabetes (you know, be one of the "few"), but now it's grown to be that I love looking at myself in the mirror and I really like the way my wife is looking at me again.  I know now that I'll be around for when our daughters get married and have kids. 


So, bottom line, only you can drive yourself.  Sure, it's nice to be in this community and vent and hear others stories. You're not alone.  We're all here for the same reason.  Common theme. 


Get mad at yourself for binging.  It will happen on occassion, but when you don't feel like getting up in the early hours to walk around the neighborhood or do those pushups and situps, get mad at yourself and say, "I'm going to do this!"  Then come tell us here on the forum about it. 


Good luck once again on your campaign.  I'm here for you as are the others.  But realize that we can't "make" you do this.  Only you....



Lew Wagner
Author of Losing It - My Weight Loss Odyssey
Do or do not, there is no try - Yoda
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