03-25-2014 11:10
03-25-2014 11:10
I LOVE my ZIP as I can wear it in my bra and never have to worry of it falling off my pants. My question is I use myfitnesspal.com with my ZIP and have since January. Lately I've become lazy and have not been recording my exercise on myfitnesspal.com. I do see the exercise/steps on my fitbit zip dashboard. Any idea's on why it's not working on myfitnesspal.com? I was having issue's about 2 weeks ago that when I did enter my exercise on myfitnesspal.com it would then sync with my ZIP and I'd get double "credit" for exercise. How do I use these together? I've done research but can't find specific answers. The reason I use myfitnesspal.com is the food database is HUGE and really meets my needs where I found ZIP to be lacking. Thank you!
03-26-2014 14:05
03-26-2014 14:05
Sam | USA
Fitbit One, Macintosh, IOS
Accepting solutions is your way of passing your solution onto others and improving everybody’s Fitbit experience.
03-20-2015 10:31
03-20-2015 10:31
I lost my first fit bit, and since I got my new one, it doesn't give me the same amount of steps on my tracker as it does on the computer. It always cheats me out of steps.
03-20-2015 14:13
03-20-2015 14:13
@Mbates wrote:I lost my first fit bit, and since I got my new one, it doesn't give me the same amount of steps on my tracker as it does on the computer. It always cheats me out of steps.
Are you sure about that? Are you sure it's not just a timing issue? Your tracker reflects your step count in real time; while your dashboard reflects your step count as of your last successful sync.
(If this tip solved the problem for you, please mark this post solved, as this will be helpful to other users experiencing similar issues.)