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always fatigued


Just getting started with fitbit and have never seen this question asked. I have an extremely physically demanding job (my fitbit flex reads 21,000 steps at the end of the day) and I am also 56 years old.I work as a delivery driver for over 25 years. While the job in itself keeps the weight off (I still need to lose a good 20 lbs) I am thoroughly exhausted at the end of the day and excercise is the last thing on my mind. I'm trying to build a consensus on what 5-10 habits will build up energy and combat faigue. So if anyone out there in the fitbit community has any suggestions I will take them and incorporate them in my fitbit program.Thank you and good luck and good health to all of you.


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There could be numorous reaasons you are feeling fatigued. Age, diet, stress just to name a few.

It sounds like you are pretty active with your job. However, there could be some underlying issues even if you "feel healthy". Obviously I dont know what kind of diet yoou have, nor can I know the stresses of you job. But, I would recommend that if these feelings of fatigue have been recent and worry you. Then see your primary care physician for a health check.

Good luck. 

Hpe this helps


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Hi there, I'm new to the Fitbit community but I read your post and have recently dealt with some of the same issues.  I know you work alot and you work hard (my husband was a delivery driver for UPS).  A couple of things that worked for me were:


Make sure you are getting enough sleep, I have always been a night owl but lately I try to get at least 7 hours every night.  


Even though you are working a lot try to to get at least 10/20 minute walk in at night just to clear your thoughts just walk!


Also yoga, I know it sounds hokey but I have to tell you, taking yoga makes a difference.  (When I initally started I giggled a lot because I could not do the moves). 


Go to a concert, I know this sounds silly but honestly if you go to a concert of a group/singer you like and belt out them tunes and dance, for me it is such a cleaning of the soul.....I swear by this!


Learn to meditate, sometimes it's hard for us to just sit and relax.....I started knitting 3 years ago and I have to tell you there's nothing better than sitting for an hour with my needles and just do something that doesn't rack my brain!!


I hope at least one of these were helpful, it's not easy when you constantly feel that way.  I've dealt with anxitey and depression before and it wan't fun.


Good luck!





~~~Turn your dreams into a reality~~~

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There could be numorous reaasons you are feeling fatigued. Age, diet, stress just to name a few.

It sounds like you are pretty active with your job. However, there could be some underlying issues even if you "feel healthy". Obviously I dont know what kind of diet yoou have, nor can I know the stresses of you job. But, I would recommend that if these feelings of fatigue have been recent and worry you. Then see your primary care physician for a health check.

Good luck. 

Hpe this helps


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Hi there, I'm new to the Fitbit community but I read your post and have recently dealt with some of the same issues.  I know you work alot and you work hard (my husband was a delivery driver for UPS).  A couple of things that worked for me were:


Make sure you are getting enough sleep, I have always been a night owl but lately I try to get at least 7 hours every night.  


Even though you are working a lot try to to get at least 10/20 minute walk in at night just to clear your thoughts just walk!


Also yoga, I know it sounds hokey but I have to tell you, taking yoga makes a difference.  (When I initally started I giggled a lot because I could not do the moves). 


Go to a concert, I know this sounds silly but honestly if you go to a concert of a group/singer you like and belt out them tunes and dance, for me it is such a cleaning of the soul.....I swear by this!


Learn to meditate, sometimes it's hard for us to just sit and relax.....I started knitting 3 years ago and I have to tell you there's nothing better than sitting for an hour with my needles and just do something that doesn't rack my brain!!


I hope at least one of these were helpful, it's not easy when you constantly feel that way.  I've dealt with anxitey and depression before and it wan't fun.


Good luck!





~~~Turn your dreams into a reality~~~
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Thank you for your great suggestions. After I read your email I downloaded a yoga app and I'm looking forward to using it. Also I will try meditation. Thank you for taking the time to help me out and I in turn will pass this on. Oh yeah I love the concert idea to.
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Well, without seeing a doctor, it's hard to really know what is going on for sure, but some of the things that have contributed and combated fatigue, for me, have been:


-ensuring my iron stores were up. I was anemic as a teen and I was always exhausted


-establishing a routine bed time/ wake time (as much as possible). Even if I 'catch up' on sleep, I notice I still feel far more fatigued than if I had consistently gotten sleep


-taking a multi vitamin to ensure I am not nutritionally depleted in anything. (I take one by Douglas Laboratories, and it is considered very good)


-ensuring I am sufficiently hydrated (and unfortunately, 2 litres of coffee a day doesn't count, although I feel pretty pepped on green tea and yerba mate)


I will be back later with more ideas 🙂



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