08-13-2014 12:40
08-13-2014 12:40
Anyone have any good DVDs they would recommend for home use by a beginner?
08-13-2014 21:08
08-13-2014 21:08
Hi! Good question!
We have a few that go through poses, but my fav has been the P90X Yoga which starts with basic moves in a strength type workout, followed with lots of balance poses, stretches, etc.. I thought it was the routine for my 'down' day, but what a work out!
There are probably some good yoga channels on youtube for free, especially for beginners. The poses, balance positions and even just a good workout with lots of downward-dog, upward-dog, to warrior 1/2/3 and back again....getting sweaty just thinking about it!
08-14-2014 19:11
08-14-2014 19:11
I like the DDP Yoga DVD series. It modifies the moves for beginners and are short for a busy lifestyle (20-25 min). I've been doing it for about 3 weeks and am happy with how I feel.
08-16-2014 10:59
08-16-2014 10:59
Rather than DVDs, I like services like myyogaonline.com. Lots of classes and instructors to chose from, including beginner classes, plus the freedom to take a class in any room in the house, even the garden, or in a hotel room when traveling. I think they do an introductory offer of a month or two for half price (its around $9 per month regular price).
08-23-2014 15:19
08-23-2014 15:19
I like Gaiam's Yoga Conditioning for Weight Loss. It's about 45-60 min. long, has people of all sizes and abilities and shows you how to modify if needed. It's filmed in Sedona, AZ so the scenery is not so bad either. It's my go-to DVD if I just need a good hour filler that does a lot and isn't impossible. Also, the voice over isn't annoying at all. Good luck!