08-24-2014 13:52
08-24-2014 13:52
looking for some help to overcome shortness of breath. stress tests and lung function tests normal
08-24-2014 17:51
08-24-2014 17:51
Have you been checked for allergies/asthma type things? I have a very healthy client who discovered she has a variation of asthma and uses some sort of 'rescue' inhaler before doing exercise now. My son has allergies and uses a steroid nose spray once a day certain times of the year. They both had shortness of breath and now they don't.
08-24-2014 21:42
08-24-2014 21:42
@clacker wrote:looking for some help to overcome shortness of breath. stress tests and lung function tests normal
So if stress test showed normal lung function - under what conditions does it occur exactly?
What did Dr or whoever gave you the test say about it?
What was the stress test exactly?
Not much info to go on there.
08-25-2014 01:30
08-25-2014 01:30
I have asthma and I need to be aware of my breathing, before I work out on anything I take "Clear Lungs" it's a Chinese herb that I purchased at a nutrition center. I take it one hour before my workout, I usually ride 12 miles or more on my bike or I put in a 30 minute workout with a trainer. I have found that this supplement helps a great deal with my breathing.
08-25-2014 07:28 - edited 08-25-2014 07:30
08-25-2014 07:28 - edited 08-25-2014 07:30
Depending on the environment, many can suffer from conditions including shortness of breath and develop a heart attack. Parks and jogging areas have heavy humidity atmosphere and is an uncontrolled environment. Be sure to check the news for Code Orange/Code Red, Pollen Count, etc.
A controlled environment (the gymnasium) places a low risk on health conditions. The only thing you'd have to worry about there is if they have failed an asbestos test. Other than that the environment has a very low risk for health conditions.
08-30-2014 19:51
08-30-2014 19:51
If you are new to jogging aerobic exercise it takes time to build up endurance and lung capacity.
One technique is breath in mouth, breath out nose. Slow down the rate of in and out. You can use step count as a way to measure your rate of breathing to rate of exercise. How many breaths do you take in how many steps ? Try to extend the number of steps per breath in small increments.
You need to teach your body to take deeper, longer breaths. Short abrupt breaths can be overcome with a consciious effort.
And, listen to your body. If you feel lightheaded, it hurts to take deep breaths, or you are gasping.....slow down the exercise and allow your breath to catch up to your pace.
08-30-2014 23:08
08-30-2014 23:08
@ramblinche81 wrote:One technique is breath in mouth, breath out nose. Slow down the rate of in and out. You can use step count as a way to measure your rate of breathing to rate of exercise. How many breaths do you take in how many steps ? Try to extend the number of steps per breath in small increments.
Actually, it's the other way around, in through nose, out through mouth.
In through nose for most people automatically causes proper use of diaphragm for breathing, letting lungs expand better. In through mouth usually causes chest to go out, wrong way.
In through nose causes enough resistance if out of shape to strengthen the muscles that aid in expanding lungs to pull in more air.
Muscles to push out usually don't require much, but out through mouth in same beat as in means you have to control them better, and since easier, can push out more air expanding use of those muscles.
In through nose is usually better so not blowing snot all over.
And actually, it's better to get a pattern, and breath deeper in same steps, not take more steps.
So in on 3 foot strikes, out in 3 or even 2 since easier. If you need more air, then you'll correctly take smaller steps to breath more.