06-03-2020 12:29
06-03-2020 12:29
I've been doing exercises with fitbit on, so it was able to track my heart rate and approximate calories burnt. However, whenever afterwards I try logging some exercise, it results in decreasing my estimate of calories burnt. To add an exercise on the Android app I need to add "calories burnt" count and I believe that it just overrides whatever fitbit computed for that time. I trust that fitbit is able to better estimate calories burnt than what I'll input by hand, so why logging an exercise forces my to override fitbit estimate? Is there a way to log the exercise without this?
06-03-2020 13:55
06-03-2020 13:55
You've got the gist of it. If you have a tracker with the Exercise App, use that to track your workout, get calories kept correct, and no need to log it afterward. I don't know which tracker you have.
If not, hope that workout gets auto-recognized.
If not, you can
I think the explanation for how it acts is that manually logging a workout was originally meant just for times when one did not wear the tracker, so there was not data there at all.
04-08-2021 21:56
04-08-2021 21:56
I'm experiencing the same issue!! It's frustrating because I want to log my exercises, but when I do my ACTUAL calories burned get overwritten. 😧 AHH makes me want to get a different type of tracker since fitbit doesn't even have the activities that I like to do (hot power yoga, snowboarding or surfing). I hope they fix this!