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Finally (mostly) Found a Food Tracker Workaround

If you have any experience using food tracking apps and have tried the Fitbit app you'll know it's terrible by comparison.  I've complained about the bugs and missing features before so I won't list them again.  This is about a solution.

I have an Etekcity bluetooth scale which I kind of hated because it only syncs with a bloatware app called Vesync.  It's over 200mb on my device and I only used it twice a month.

(I'm pretty sure anyone can use Vesync just by signing up for a free account in the app, you don't need one of their devices, and if you switch your region to Canada in the settings most of the annoying ads for premium features go away).

But Vesync has a food tracker, and it's actually pretty darn good.  The barcode scanner recognizes barcodes quickly and it's rare to scan an item that doesn't come up with the correct info (tho sometimes the serving size amount or units are off but those usually get changed anyway).  It tracks macronutrients and displays stats/summaries well.

If you cook, or even "prepare" food by dumping a couple cans together and microwaving like I do, you'll appreciate the ability to scan multiple items and save them together as a meal that you can add in the future with one click.  My typical lunches and dinners are all saved as meals.

Vesync does have some issues, like most software.  I consider the biggest limitation to be the fact that the Fitbit API allows 3rd party apps like Vesync to add food to the food log (and Vesync does so instantly), but provides no way to update the quantity or delete an item once added.  So this is still a "bug" with Fitbit.

Vesync could fix this by adding a "sync to fitbit" button or customizeable time delay before automatically submitting a day's entries.  They seem to think the problem is Fitbit's responsiblity tho, and I see their point.

For now using Vesync works great as long as I don't make a mistake with the food log.  So I had to stop adding items with the "+" button shortcut and now when adding an item (not a meal) I open the item, check the quantity and then hit save.

I hope this helps others with their food tracking.

PS: I forgot to say, I have to log my food with Fitbit for my doctor and the All of Us Research Project to have access to.  Otherwise I wouldn't.

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