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How to Log Homemade Food

How do you log homemade food or enter a recipe to frequently use in the food log area? The app seems to only use barcodes. 

Google says to go to, not the app. says only use the app after this summer. 

Ultimately, trying to avoid tediously entering every single ingredient for a meal every time I have leftovers. Thanks in advance!

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When under "log food" there are little tabs at the top: Frequent, Recent, and Custom. Under Custom you can click +ADD CUSTOM FOOD

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Add Custom Food only allows you to enter known nutritional information- which is not readily known for homemade meals. This does not allow you to enter the components for a homemade meal. 

The Custom Food on Fitbit would mean I’d need to look up all individual ingredients’ nutrient information somewhere else (for each onion, garlic clove, etc), then calculate all this, and then enter it under Custom Food on FitBit.

Most food trackers have a means for you to enter a homemade meal (enter the onions, the garlic, etc) as the components for the food tracker generate the calories you’ve consumed. Is this feature available? It doesn’t look like Fitbit allows you to do much more than scan barcodes of premade food. 


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I think the feature of grouping foods to make homemade items is not available. Honestly you probably would not want to do so anyway. If you want to track anything other than calories, protien, sodium, and maybe fat the database is horrifically incomplete. You probably would want to look elsewhere for a foodtracker.

Potassium for example is a hot mess. So many fresh grocery ingredients just have a - for potassium when they are a major source of it. For example fresh spinache, potatos, and strawberries. I have zero faith the vitamin count is any better and you can't even enter that info for homemade items.

I'm sticking with the FB tracker for now, but I'm manually entering custom nutrition for many items. For recipes I make often, I'm using a tool such as the myfooddata recipe nutrition calculator and logging the overall nutrition from there

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