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I personally experienced the problem soy has.. it's loaded with phyto-estrogen... plant estrogen. when I began my vegetarian trek 3 years ago.. I did what i read & was suggested by all the vegetarians I knew.. I bought vegetarian substitutes for the meats I had been accustomed to eating.. veggie: burgers, hot dogs, pizza, turkey, etc... well, I began having mental confusion, extreme low energy, low sex drive, weight gain, high cholesterol, etc.... I went to dr & they tested my blood. Turns out my testosterone had plummeted to ridiculously low levels. I then went on a regimen of gel testosterone treatments.. that did nothing. Then I started testosterone injections & got some help.
It wasn't till I went pescatarian... vegan that eats some seafood... I learned the truth about how harmful soy is! it's loaded with phyto-estrogen. for a man... It's like eating female birth control pills. The more soy you eat... the lower your testosterone will plummet! Soy is not only listed as: soy, soybean, soybean oil, edamame, & tofu... but also as lectithin. I can't find a single cookie or cracker in my local grocery stores that doesn't contain soy in one form or another. since the us gov decided to subsidize soy... it's added to almost all processed foods. I learned to avoid soy, in all of it's forms like the plague!
For women, eating soy makes it very hard, if not impossible to loose weight. In both men & women... soy disrupts the thyroid gland. You should look at the chart re the correlation of soy being subsidized by the us gov & to the rate of increase in thyroid disorders. Coincidental...I definitely think not!!!
Since going pescatarian & cutting out soy, I have lost over 75lbs, gotten off all 14 prescription meds, my: testosterone level is now in the high range.. & I am 47 yrs old! my bp & cholesterol were abysmal... now in good to above average levels! My insulin resistance is now good. I had previously been pre-diabetic for a long time.
I pray this helps someone out there. I sure wish someone had told me about this!!! Here is a short video clip of Dr. Gundry (World Renown Cardiologist)discussing SOY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kg3IDHrHUp4
God Bless!!!
Moderator Edit: All-caps
Answered! Go to the Best Answer.
08-22-2017 05:10
08-22-2017 05:10
The problem with demonizing individual food items is that it oversimplifies things and draws incorrect conclusions based on correlation, rather than causation. So we look at the average person from the rich Western world and their typical diet: they’re overweight or obese, many of them have type II diabetes, and quite a few die from cancer or heart disease. So what are they eating: well, they eat a lot of carbs, so carbs must make you fat (Gary Taubes, Wheat Belly). Oh no, wait, they eat a lot of red meat, so red meat must cause cancer (you’ll find studies showing this). Oh no, it’s high fructose corn syrup, this stuff is nasty, part of a conspiracy by the Big Food lobby to also trick us into becoming fat. And what about artificial sweeteners, they’re also nasty and definitely the cause of all kind of evils. And then there’s soy and soy products.
Eat a balanced diet that has you maintain a healthy weight, be reasonably active and you will likely avoid all the ailments mentioned above, even if some of the items it includes are carbs/meat/sugar/aspartame/soy/[insert your favorite scapegoat food item]. As long as you’re consuming them in moderation, you will be just fine. What gets people fat (with all the ailments that brings) is overeating in general, combined with a sedentary life, not eating this or that particular food.
Dominique | Finland
Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
08-03-2017 09:02
08-03-2017 09:02
Did you ever get tested for nickel allergy
lethargy memory fog fatigue Ibs headaches insomnia skin rashes
are connected to systemic nickel allergy I can't eat soya oats nuts legumes beans raspberries pineapple or chocolate tinned fish fruit and veg
due to a nickel allergy
08-04-2017 00:00
08-04-2017 00:00
I actually use it as I recently stopped my birth control pill and my body did not realise yet that it has to start making its own estrogen. Not continuously, or my body would still be tricked, but when symptoms drive me crazy to take off the edge.
But I have to agree that if you want any control over what you eat, stay away from the processed foods.
Karolien | The Netherlands
08-21-2017 09:01
08-21-2017 09:01
Thanks for sharing this information. I eat a lot of protein bars that are soy based & I have had low testosterone levels. I also like crackers, cookies, etc. that I'm sure have soy in them. I will pay more close attention, now, to what I'm eating that may have soy in it.
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My Pleasure! Look at Dr Gundry's Video on YouTube on Soy. It's not my opinion on the Dangers of eating Soy... It's a Medical fact! Kicking out Soy... has helped transform & restore my Heath!!!
Moderator edit: format.
08-22-2017 05:10
08-22-2017 05:10
The problem with demonizing individual food items is that it oversimplifies things and draws incorrect conclusions based on correlation, rather than causation. So we look at the average person from the rich Western world and their typical diet: they’re overweight or obese, many of them have type II diabetes, and quite a few die from cancer or heart disease. So what are they eating: well, they eat a lot of carbs, so carbs must make you fat (Gary Taubes, Wheat Belly). Oh no, wait, they eat a lot of red meat, so red meat must cause cancer (you’ll find studies showing this). Oh no, it’s high fructose corn syrup, this stuff is nasty, part of a conspiracy by the Big Food lobby to also trick us into becoming fat. And what about artificial sweeteners, they’re also nasty and definitely the cause of all kind of evils. And then there’s soy and soy products.
Eat a balanced diet that has you maintain a healthy weight, be reasonably active and you will likely avoid all the ailments mentioned above, even if some of the items it includes are carbs/meat/sugar/aspartame/soy/[insert your favorite scapegoat food item]. As long as you’re consuming them in moderation, you will be just fine. What gets people fat (with all the ailments that brings) is overeating in general, combined with a sedentary life, not eating this or that particular food.
Dominique | Finland
Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
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My Dear Friend,
I am not Solely attributing my over 80lb weight loss (Went from 50" pants to 34") to just Ejecting Soy... The Purpose of this post was to enlighten awareness of the damaging effects of Soy & how Soy is "Hidden" in most Processed Foods. You mentioned eating a "Balanced Diet"... If you honestly think the USDA suggestions of eating Large portions of Meat & Dairy of good for you... you are greatly Disillusioned! Americans are Fatter & Sicker now, than any other previous Generation. The children currently being born... are the first generation of Americans that is expleted to live shorter life spans than their parents! This is Attributed to eating & lifestyle choices! If you want to choose to pretend that what the Average American is doing is working... You are greatly decieved! Over 90% of what they want to sell you in the grocery store as "Food" is not real food... there is practically zilch nutricional value to it!
I eat basically what a Farmer Grows & SOME Seafood... that was bec my Cholesterol shot up to 375 range. Normal Cholesterol is under 200. I was way in the red zone! Was on Lipitor & other Statin drugs for years. I had the "Pleasure" of dealing with major joint pains due to the Statin drugs. Dr said there was no choice.. that or I would get Heart Attack or Stroke. Once I switched to my current eating lifestyle... my numbers came way down.. without meds last time my Cholesterol was checked I was at 139... Excellent territory.
I am simply Sharing what has worked for me & try & enlighten others to how nutrition... can be way more effective than Big Pharmaceutical's Prescriptions with ALL is Side Effects. Now.. I was in Med School for
years... Western Med does have a Vital Role in Healthcare... but so does nutrition. In addition, MANY so called "Alternative Healing / Alternative Medicines... are 1,000s of Years Old. Have Stood the test of time... & can be life restoring to those suffering.
Thanks & God Bless!!!
Rob W.
Moderator edit: format.
08-23-2017 10:27
08-23-2017 10:27
I'm not arguing with you I'm stating that I have a nickel allergy that affects my diet
and soya along with a lot of other health foods are high in nickel and make me sick
08-31-2017 00:00
08-31-2017 00:00
We have an obesity epidemic in 6-month-olds -- this is not due to gluttony and sloth.
Our nutritional environment has changed. Our grandparents consumed much less fructose, almost no soy, did not jog or go to the gym, and had a far lower obesity rate.
08-31-2017 00:43
08-31-2017 00:43
@Daves_Not_Here wrote:Our nutritional environment has changed. Our grandparents consumed much less fructose, almost no soy, did not jog or go to the gym, and had a far lower obesity rate.
I don’t know about your grandparents, but mine didn’t sit all day in front of a computer, neither did they watch Netflix or even regular TV (only got one in their last years of living), they didn’t have a car. They were farmers who worked long days in fields. Had they had a Fitbit, it probably would have shown energy expenditure of about 4000-5000 calories every single day, except perhaps Sunday. Yes, their nutrional environment was different: they ate very little processed food, and lots of vegetables they cultivated. So many things have changed, it’s not possible to pin-point individual factors like soy or fructose. Energy balance is still the main factor: we’re just lazy bastards who eat too much food in relation to our activity.
Dominique | Finland
Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
08-31-2017 08:28
08-31-2017 08:28
They probably ate a buttload of red meat, starch, and those high sugar pies/cake/cookies that Grandma's make on a regular basis.
Screen time and activity levels have a greater impact to ED than eating Soy.
08-31-2017 09:30
08-31-2017 09:30
GREAT POINT! Yes, people were DEFINATELY more active! In addition the FOOD they ate was ENTIRELY ORGANIC! They had NO High Fructose Corn Syrup other Manmade Nutritional GARBAGE! Food had REAL Nutrition! Meat, back then, was ALL NON-GMO & FREE from Hormones. Farmers ROTATED crops & allowed soil to rest & rejuvenate... instead of the Modern Factory Farming model... with all the Artificial Pesticides / Herbicides/ Fungicides.
My wife & I watch old Black & white movies. Almost EVERYONE was thin then. They were fed REAL nutrition.. & didn't have to pay a premium to get the "junk" out of their groceries!
God Bless!!!
08-31-2017 10:48
08-31-2017 10:48
My wife & I watch old Black & white movies. Almost EVERYONE was thin then. They were fed REAL nutrition.. & didn't have to pay a premium to get the "junk" out of their groceries!
God Bless!!!
LOL, you can't base what people looked like at the time to how they looked in movies, it doesn't work that way now
08-31-2017 11:19
08-31-2017 11:19
@Mukluk4 wrote:LOL, you can't base what people looked like at the time to how they looked in movies, it doesn't work that way now
In old movies, almost everyone smoked and all men wore hats: tobacco and hats, that must have been the secret for being lean!
Dominique | Finland
Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
08-31-2017 13:08 - edited 08-31-2017 13:13
08-31-2017 13:08 - edited 08-31-2017 13:13
Guys -- I don't mean to be argumentative, but we have an obesity epidemic in 6 month-olds. Are they lazy?
My own personal observation -- I went to college in the late 70's to a large state college. We had virtually no fat students. Looking at my yearbooks from then, I see no fat faces. Pictures of the clubs and organizations, pictures at the quad, random shots show no fat bodies. And there was very little conscious exercise activity outside of the athletes (except maybe 12 ounce curls). Go outside in the morning - no joggers. We ate and drank like gluttons and were couch potatoes in front of a TV.
Today, no matter what campus I visit, I am surrounded by an ocean of flab. Muffin tops abound. Even at my current obese weight of 215 lbs., I find I am leaner than many of the 19-year-old students.
Something else is going on, and to continue to scold the masses that we are somehow more uniquely lazy and gluttonous than previous generations is counterproductive (unless the goal is to perpetuate the obesity epidemic to the benefit of a vast healthcare establishment).
08-31-2017 16:27
08-31-2017 16:27
08-31-2017 18:11
08-31-2017 18:11
08-31-2017 18:33 - edited 08-31-2017 18:40
08-31-2017 18:33 - edited 08-31-2017 18:40
@Rob1414 wrote:
Please edify me on the difference. Regardless... It is indisputable that
food was organic back then. That WAS the point.
Be Blessed!
Hi @Rob1414 - I wasn't directing my comments towards yours -- I was pushing back on the idea that previous generations were significantly more active than today. Here's my thoughts, directed to all on this thread, and using my obnoxious bulleted style:
I grew up in the 60's and 70's, living all around the country as an army brat, and I recall that
Why do I say all this? Because, in spite of being surrounded by poor eating and inactivity, I went my entire childhood without seeing a 300+ pound person in real life. I had no fat teachers, no fat classmates, no fat parents of friends, and none of the pictures from my childhood and high school yearbook have any fat people in them (except one band director -- notable for being fat)
My assertion is that people in the 60's and 70's did not engage in higher activity levels than today, nor did they eat "healthy", organic pesticide-free foods. Yet, they had a much lower rate of obesity than today.
09-01-2017 02:45
09-01-2017 02:45
@Daves_Not_Here wrote:we have an obesity epidemic in 6 month-olds. Are they lazy?.
I must admit it’s the first time I hear about obesity in children that young. Do you have a source for this?
Childhood obesity is definitely real, and there’s literature on the subject, for instance this:
What the abstract is saying is hardly surprising:
"The most common cause of obesity in children is a positive energy balance due to caloric intake in excess of caloric expenditure combined with a genetic predisposition for weight gain."
Dominique | Finland
Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
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Thank you for your input, my friend. I can only respond by "Yes" on all accounts! When I was harkening back when to All food being "Organic", I was referring to the prior generations. I totally agree that the "something else" that is going on, that you refer to may be the indisputable fact that our the "Food Pyramid" that the US Government has been molded & remolded does not Induce Health, but is literally false advertising for the Sugar, Meat, & Dairy industries. As more & more countries adopt the American "lifestyle"... within 2 generations, they are just as fat & sick as America is. The system just wants to Bankrupt your estate before your Premature Death!
I am not politically active, I used to be heavily involved in Politics. One of the greatest travesties is the fact that our food supply, air, water, & even our home environments are replete with known carcinogens. From their Food to Toothpaste to Underarm deodorant...people are infusing their bodies with known Carcinogens / Neuro Toxins. In our homes, one simply cannot avoid it. From the flame retardant in our carpets & upholstery to the metal fittings of the pex waterlines that bring the H2O to the sink, it is virtually impossible to avoid.. People can & have written volumes of books & movies on each of these areas. I have made the effort to glean knowledge on this while most people just accept it is "It is what it is." mentality.
In 2010, the insanity got propelled into an even higher stratosphere... When it was legally decided by the US Supreme Court to confer 1st Amendment Citizen rights to the Corporation. Even prior to... the Corporations owned the US Government, but now the could, in the Open pull the strings any which way they liked. The amount of $$$ a corporation could use to influence elections was now without a ceiling. From local to Federal the elected official became an employee of the Corporation.
One just has to look at Big Pharma as a classic example.. The sheer fact that Vaccines contain the most known toxic / carcinogenic substance known to man... just under the Radioactive... & Mandate this junk be injected into our Healthy Children & Elderly.. is testimony to the fact that the US Government itself is in the business of making us Chronically sick & prematurely dead! To date.. the US Gov has shelled out over $3 Billion in compensation to families of children & adults who have been "Seriously Injured" by Vaccines, Yet, the US Gov mandates they be administered. If these were "Harmless" and this just hype.. why would the US Gov be forced in the courts to pay out... in the Billions? The Pharmaceutical companies have manipulated the laws so they are immune from being sued for this... so the only family's recourse is to sue the US Gov.
Hence the topic of soy. Since Soy became Heavily subsidized by the US Gov... it's been added to most processed foods, & they hide it rather well. I breaks the Fitbit Community laws to, nor do I desire to, re-state this original post... stating the deleterious effects Soy has to our Health... just read the original post for that.
Pray you have a most Blessed Day!
Rob W.
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