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Inspire 3 no longer auto detecting swim

This was working fine but in the last week my swims are now being detected as “Elliptical”. That auto setting is disabled but it’s still logging swims as such. Also, when I try to add the swim manually it doesn’t save. 

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Hi, @nZnL welcome, You can edit & delete How do I add, edit, or delete Fitbit data and activities? - Fitbit Help Center provides advice. The editing feature problem is, I understand, receiving attention but we have no information on when it will be fixed. An option is to delete the recorded exercise & then try logging it manually from the floating "+" on the "Today" screen. On the basis you are relying on the auto-recognize feature to record exercises, you may need to review the settings on the Fitbit app.  From the "Today" screen touch your Icon in the top right corner>Fitbit Settings>exercise>touch each exercise in turn & set the slider "Auto-recognize" to the "Off" position>SAVE (it will now be noted as "Ignored")Set the "Swiming" to Swims more than 10 minutes, ensure the slider is in the "On" position & SAVE. Sometimes when we have an update settings get disturbed.

I hope this helps, please post here again & let us know how you get on.


Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.

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Thanks for the reply. I’ve done and checked all that you suggest. Manually logged activity is saved and visible for a few seconds before it disappears. Often, what does display is not actually what I’ve entered, but it disappears soon after all the same. It’s been around 10 days since a successful save. Swimming auto-detection is turned ON. Elliptical is turned OFF, yet this gets logged still and swimming doesn’t. This has only started happening in the last 10 days too. 

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Hi, @nZnL , thanks for the feedback. May I suggest that you delete & re-install the Fitbit app? The belt & braces process is as follows. Sync the Fitbit app (this ensures no data is lost) go into the Fitbit app in the phone settings, force stop>clear storage & cache>uninstall the app. Go to your phone connection status & "Forget" the Inspire 3>RESTART YOUR PHONE. Now reload the Fitbit app from the Playstore or App Store and set it up again logging in with your Google account. Pair the Inspire 3 with the app and you should see your data again. This will not resolve the editing issue but should get you "Swimming" as your exercise. I swim daily, use the auto-recognize feature (set at swims more than 10 minutes) and get a swimming record. The distance is usually a couple of lengths short but the time & pace is correct. The distance on the "Today" screen "Exercise days" is incorrect and has been reported.

Let us know how you get on by posting here again.



Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.

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Thanks again. Did everything you suggested. The reset helped in that I now get a daily cardio load target, (didn’t previously and for what it’s worth), but my swim is still logged as “Elliptical” even though that auto-detect mode is turned off. (“Swim” is on.) I also note that the elliptical workout no longer gives a distance. It previously did, even though it was wrong, because I was actually swimming! Given that I only really care about the HR data, and that is logging OK, even though during a swim it supposedly isn’t meant to, I’ll just live with the fact that my swims won’t log as swims and, for now, I can’t manually add them either. Probably my last fitbit I’m afraid. So much potential, such a frustrating user experience. 

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Hi, @nZnL thanks for your feedback. Have you tried recording "Swim" via the exercise list on your Inspire 3? Before entering the water swipe left (or right) to exercise>swipe up to and touch swim>note the little chevron at the bottom of the screen>swipe up to and set pool length & units>swipe down & touch the big "Start" arrow. On completion tap the screen firmly twice to unlock and then the "Finish" button>done.

Let us know how you get on.


Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.

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Yes, that does work and was how I used to log swims. But then I discovered
the auto detect worked equally well and I didn’t need to think about
setting up each event. It’s the auto part that’s now not happening.
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I’m primarily a surfer and if used to say swim (oh well but kind of close and we can’t change it) but now it thinks I’m on a rowing machine and anytime there a lull it restarts… a two hour surf session is now logged as 3-4 sessions of the rowing machine. 

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