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Many posts have t he same problem that I do---sleep tracker only tracking the first 3 hours, for ex. but NO ONE has a solution. I have re-started,re-set---everything that is recommended. Doesn't make a difference. It is worthless since I got it mostly for sleep tracking.
Moderator edit: updated subject for clarity
11-06-2023 18:34
11-06-2023 18:34
Same, but only began having this issue after the “ update!” I am tired of seeing three hours, when I know better! Can’t you fix this ?
11-07-2023 02:33
11-07-2023 02:33
Same with me! Utterly fed up. Please sort this out. My expensive Fitbit is currently just for telling the time!
11-07-2023 17:23
11-07-2023 17:23
@Macca61 @mzeidner @Marel66 , A warm welcome to the Community ! Thank you for your messages.
Have you tried restarting the Inspire 3. How do I restart my Fitbit device?
Also make sure that your setting is set to normal and not sensitive. What's the difference between the normal and sensitive sleep setting?
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
11-07-2023 17:28
11-07-2023 17:28
11-10-2023 03:43
11-10-2023 03:43
I would like to exchange mine for one that works. pretty worthless to me as is.
11-10-2023 04:48 - edited 11-10-2023 04:49
11-10-2023 04:48 - edited 11-10-2023 04:49
Same issue for me. Tracks sleep ok maybe 80 % of the time, and only for three or four hours at other times. I will literally throw my phone at the wall if someone refers me to the help articles again. YES I’ve done all the suggestions to no avail. The product doesn’t work properly and Fitbit with neither admit it, or fix it. I honestly don’t know how they get away with it.
11-14-2023 08:49
11-14-2023 08:49
11-14-2023 16:59
11-14-2023 16:59
Hi everybody ! Thank you for your efforts and reports.
A new app update is being rolled out. Please keep an eye open for the update.
If after it the situation continues, please let me know over here.
JuanFitbit | Community Moderator, Fitbit. Hat dir mein Beitrag geholfen dann markier ihn als Lösung und gib mir Kudos !! Habt ihr Tipps um fitter zu werden? Lifestyle Discussion forum.
11-17-2023 00:59
11-17-2023 00:59
When will this be? This has been going on far too long and is an issue entirely of Fitbit’s making. My inspire 3 is currently not fit for purpose. Any support offered has not worked and after one email from Fitbit, it’s all gone eerily quiet. I’ve only had my Fitbit since July, so am well within my rights to receive a full refund. Would rather it actually worked, but am rapidly losing patience!
11-17-2023 05:19
11-18-2023 06:50
11-18-2023 06:50
The intermittent problem I experience with sleep recording, is if I get out of bed for any reason. It isn’t a constant problem, but when it occurs, it can be annoying.
Say I go to bed at 11.00pm, and then need the bathroom at 2.30am. Those 3 1/2 hours of initial sleep will be logged, but from returning to bed, until morning, and starting my day, the recording of my sleep is lost. This has been a problem with all trackers I’ve ever had, about five in all, so there is an inherent bug in the software. That’s all I can say on this matter.
11-18-2023 06:57
11-18-2023 06:57