05-10-2024 23:58
05-10-2024 23:58
I don't like how with just arm movements it's adding steps like I'm walking. There's no way I did 8k steps yesterday. Lol. Maybe more like 5k. I was doing a lot of filling with a stack of papers and I feel like I'm cheating which kinda messes up my stats when I look at it. Thoughts?
05-11-2024 03:39
05-11-2024 03:39
Hello @aanstum and welcome to the Community. You're right about wrist worn devices. Not all arm movements are steps. Most of us wear our Fitbits on their non-dominant wrist. If this applies to you, you can change the sensitivity of the accelerometer by changing the setting to dominant. Tap on your device/battery icon > Inspire 3 > change the wrist setting to Dominant. This will reduce, but not eliminate these false steps. As an example my hair stylist completely gave up on a wrist worn tracker. It's just the nature of the job to move arms standing in place.
Just so you know, there are also times when your Inspire 3 can miss steps, like when pushing a cart.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
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