09-27-2023 22:43
09-27-2023 22:43
I recently got a new Inspire 3 and I have been enjoying all the features that come with the watch, one of which that I have found particularly useful was the notifications app. While I did not have any issues setting up notifications for many third-party apps, a specific app that I use for football scores is not appearing on the available notifications, no matter how many notifications come through. Has this happened to anyone else?
09-28-2023 01:38
09-28-2023 01:38
Hi, @Wurpel, welcome to the community, one notification setting that is sometimes missed in the device settings in the app. Touch the icon in the top left corner of the "Today" screen (In both the old & new app)>Inspire 3 tile>notifications>App notifications> Ensure there is a checkmark on your football scores app. Return to the "Today" screen & sync by sliding your finger down the screen & releasing.
I hope this helps.
Gr4ndp4 | UK
AWAKE! for morning in the bowl of light has cast the stone that set the stars to flight.
09-28-2023 07:57
09-28-2023 07:57
Thanks for your reply! However, the app I’m looking for is not appearing as an option to check off. Normally you would get it on that screen from getting a notification from said app, but I have gotten plenty and still nothing.
09-29-2023 08:00
09-29-2023 08:00
Welcome to the forums @Wurpel.
Thank you for sharing the inquiry with us.
I'd suggest checking if all the permissions are allowed on your app in order to get notifications.