I am writing to complain strongly about the awful update of the display and features on the Fitbit App. The new main display looks child-like and unnecessarily large. The features in the steps section has been radically changed. I can no longer easily compare the steps taken on any particular day with the same day on a previous week without repeatedly hitting the back arrow. So I can no longer see the days of the week and the different number of steps taken each day and their weekly totals going back in time, previously displayed in a continuous thread. Instead this has been replaced by a daily average shown in a bar chart.
However, my main complaint is the removal of the battery percentage on my linked iPhone App. This is very unhelpful on a bright day when it is very difficult to see the percentage on the Fitbit itself, but when being charged there is no way of checking if the battery has been fully charged or even how much has been charged so far, without detaching the Fitbit from the charger and checking the percentage which is now only displayed on it. It is hard to see on the watch as numbers so small.
Fortunately the sleep data has not been changed!
Please, please replace the percentage figure on the App. It's an essential feature. Also please return the main display to the original adult appropriate one.