11-26-2017 05:33
11-26-2017 05:33
When I use Interval Training with GPS enabled the distance is tracked but the map will not show when I go to my details on the app or website. It shows in the thumbnail preview but when you click through, nothing.
11-30-2017 17:59
11-30-2017 17:59
I have this problem too
12-05-2017 02:38
12-05-2017 02:38
Mine shows on the app, but not on the website. It isn't picked up by Strava, and because the map doesn't show on the website, I'm unable to manually transfer it to Strava. Makes the interval training pointless for me.
12-05-2017 02:42
12-05-2017 02:42
It does make it totally pointless and would be a simple fix by Fitbit. I like to do 5 run/1 walk Galloway method and like the prompts, and LIKE to see my runs mapped. This works great with my Garmin Fenix. No reason Fitbit can't add this functionality.
12-05-2017 03:21
12-05-2017 03:21
Completely agree. I've just been out and tested the interval training again; it shows perfectly on the app. On the website however, it only shows the thumbnail - when you try to open it, there's no map there, and no way of 'exporting'. Let's hope it's fixed in the promised firmware update!!
@sgtsween wrote:It does make it totally pointless and would be a simple fix by Fitbit.
12-05-2017 03:29
12-05-2017 03:29
I've done a couple of screenshots incase it helps the developers to understand the issue.
On the website dashboard the thumbnail can be seen
When you click into the activity though, there is no map to view
12-19-2017 07:32
12-19-2017 07:32
I've tested again today, in the hope that the bug might have been fixed.....but no luck. I've also written to support about it, but no luck there so far either.
Given that the map appears in the thumbnail, the information is being captured - I can't see that it's going to be a big job to get the map appearing properly, and so that it actually feeds through to the website as it should.
Please Fitbit.....sort this one out!
12-27-2017 18:31
12-27-2017 18:31
Same issue here. While I was able to see the map in the app (Windows and Android), but similarly broken on the Fitbit website (per Romengaccord's screenshot). I wanted to see if using the app to edit the exercise from an "Interval Workout" to a "Run" would make a difference, but I'm still obtaining the same result on the website and it is not exporting the workout to Strava. Runkeeper sees the workout, but states that there is "no map for this activity."
It seems that if the workout originates as an "Interval Workout" the website view thereof and any GPS export features are currently broken. The GPS data seems to be the sticking point in whatever part of the process is breaking.
01-08-2018 06:53
01-08-2018 06:53
Fitbit - I have reported this through your support channels as well, and I've not received any update. Please could you tell me whether you're at least looking into this bug please?
01-19-2018 13:20
01-19-2018 13:20
I just encounterd the same problem. This totaly sucks!
01-22-2018 02:51
01-22-2018 02:51
I have the same issue. This was one of the main reasons I bought this watch (to do interval training running while tracking GPS) so this is a major issue for me. Is there any workaround or fix in the offing?
01-26-2018 18:21
01-26-2018 18:21
I'm having the problem as well. No maps in the app or website for interval training. Very frustrating.
01-29-2018 02:44
01-29-2018 02:44
This is so frustrating - it's still not resolved!
Interval training is such a useful tool to have on a running watch, and yet the Ionic has a bug that makes it useless for post-training analysis!
I reported this to support a long time ago, and it's still now working - please can someone from Fitbit confirm that it is going to be fixed soon?
03-08-2018 19:33
03-08-2018 19:33
I’m having the same problem, but mine is confined to the app. My runs show up on the desktop program, but nothing goes over to Strava.
I even did the exact same run on 2 consecutive days, tracking one in Run and the next day in Interval, just incase it related to a gps loss of signal as I often run out into areas that are dodgy with reception.
Really disappointing, as I was loving not having to take my phone with me, I don’t want to have to go back to running with a phone just so I can use GymBoss.
03-09-2018 01:49
03-09-2018 01:49
@Romengaccord. Fixed in the last 48 hours and confirmed by a response from my Support email
@Romengaccordwrote:This is so frustrating - it's still not resolved!
Interval training is such a useful tool to have on a running watch, and yet the Ionic has a bug that makes it useless for post-training analysis!
I reported this to support a long time ago, and it's still now working - please can someone from Fitbit confirm that it is going to be fixed soon?
03-11-2018 11:14
03-11-2018 11:14
Thanks ever so much @Colinm39. Whilst it is now tracking the GPS so the map is visible, it still isn't feeding through to Strava, and the TCX file isn't available to download, so it can't be manually uploaded. So, partially fixed, but still not useable for me.
I have 4 fitbits, and have been a massive supporter over the last four years, encouraging many friends to purchase them as well. Garmin is so much more advanced and useable. Don't see me ever purchasing another fitbit unfortunately.
03-12-2018 19:03
03-12-2018 19:03
Gah, this is super annoying. I get the maps in the app and on the website, but it does not tell me how far I went in each split - how am I meant to know if I am getting faster?! Or if there is any consistency between my intervals? And no sync to Strava? Why not?
07-18-2018 11:03
07-18-2018 11:03
Got the same issue. It has been flagged. Are you sorted? Interval pace times not showing for me either. Also flagged up. Martin
07-18-2018 11:03
07-18-2018 11:03
Got the same issue. It has been flagged. Are you sorted? Interval pace times not showing for me either. Also flagged up. Martin
08-23-2018 07:13 - edited 08-23-2018 07:14
08-23-2018 07:13 - edited 08-23-2018 07:14
Noticed this was happening this past Spring when I was using intervals to get my endurance up. Got a bit lazy and now I need to do it again. Figured there was no way they hadn't fixed this by now, but of course it is still an issue. For me after uploading from Ionic to the iphone app the map in app just has a spinning symbol. It never uploads to Strava, but the map on the web shows up. When trying to download the TCX I receive the same error I did back in March. "The activity TCX file could not be downloaded. We are looking into the issue". Yeah.. sure you are.