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Any goal worth achieving requires some degree of focused effort. Losing belly fat is no exception. The more fat you have to lose, the harder you’ll have to work at it and you shouldn’t expect miraculous results overnight. Getting into shape can be tough, but it’s not impossible with the right plan. First you should know how to calculate your body fat, and the answer is simple, use one of our calculators.


Here are 5 simple steps to lose belly fat:


1.) Avoid sugar. This is very important, because studies show that it can harm your body’s metabolism. Sugar is composed of equal parts glucose and fructose. Since your liver isn’t able to metabolize fructose in significant quantities, it’s quickly turned into fat. Liquid sugar is even worse, so your best bet is to minimize your sugar intake and eliminate sugary drinks from your diet, entirely. Remember that if you choose to ignore this step, you’ll be fighting an uphill battle.


2.) Consume more protein. Be sure to give this step your full attention, because protein has been shown to reduce food cravings by up to 60 percent. With enough protein in your diet, you can actually burn up to 100 more calories per day and consume 400 fewer calories. As you can see, adding more protein to your diet can easily be the most effective tool in your arsenal. To get the best results, eat more meats, unprocessed eggs, seafood, dairy products and poultry. You can also supplement your diet with whey protein.


3.) Cut back on the carbs. Reducing your carbohydrate intake will help keep your appetite down. Studies have shown that people on low-carb diets lose 2-3 times more weight than those on low-fat diets. You’ll also lose water weight more quickly, which should be noticeable on the scale within a few days. Refined carbs (such as white breads and pastas) are the ones you should pay most attention to. Avoiding these should be sufficient, if you’re adding protein to your diet. If you want to lose weight even more quickly, try getting your carb intake down to 50 grams per day. Your body will go into ketosis, enabling it to burn even more fat, due to the absence of carbs.


4.) Eat more fiber. Fiber will make you feel full, which should help you cut down on the amount of food you’re eating. However, not all fiber is the same. The most viscous fibers bind with water and form a type of gel that sits at the bottom of your gut. This slows down the passage of food through the digestive system, leaving you with a feeling of fullness and a reduced appetite. Eating more fruits and vegetables should provide you with enough fiber to do the job. If not, there are also fiber supplements you can take.


5.) Watch this video

Best Answer

Actually - the more fat you have to lose the easier it actually is.


Especially compared to when you get closer to goal and have less fat to lose.


You can do all sorts of things wrong at the start and still lose.


Also - you can't spot reduce, for most people belly fat is first on and last off.

Studies have shown that.


You should really post a source when you are just grabbing info off social media that has no bearing in actual studies.


None of those things is "required" to lose fat - but it may personally help some people to adhere to an eating goal.


Much like some people wake up early naturally and can get a workout in easily.

Others need an alarm clock to get up, and perhaps laying out clothes or other tactics.

Not required for everyone - very individualized.

Help the next searcher of answers, mark a reply as Solved if it was, or a thumbs up if it was a good idea too.
Best Answer

@Heybales wrote:

Actually - the more fat you have to lose the easier it actually is.


Especially compared to when you get closer to goal and have less fat to lose.


You can do all sorts of things wrong at the start and still lose.


LOL, yeah, what you said exactly!


For those of us who engage (or have engaged) in training for endurance events, the amount of food we can eat, both good and bad, and still lose fat and weight (not necessarily the same thing), can boggle the mind of someone who works from the "diet is the only solution" frame of mind.

Best Answer

I just lost 60 pounds in 5 months.

You should eat foods that make you feel satiated that aren't high in calories. In general, high protein, lots of vegetables. Chicken, eggs, broccoli, it's all good for you. If you can stomach it then lentils are great as well as they keep you full for a while. Just be sure to soak them in water.

Calculate your BMR and then you will know how many you need to lose weight. You can start tracking your calories, but recommended you eat the same standard 5-10 meals over and over again. That way there isn't much thinking required, and you get to know your calorie intake without having to track it (which can be a pain not gonna lie).

Also think about supplements which in my experience help more than exercise. Exercise is great, and can help you get in the deficit you need by burning an extra 200 calories or so daily. Try PuraVive, which I attribute to a lot of my success. Basically burns fat and helps cut down your hunger which is the reason so many people fail. Not for everyone but worth checking out at least.

In terms of exercise just try walking daily. Nothing super strenous.

And drink plenty of water, it helps your body flush the fat. If you take supplements it speeds up the process.

Any questions, happy to help! My goal is to lose another 15 pounds.

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