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Active minutes

How are active minutes calculated and how many more calories does an active minute burn compared to a minute of regular steps?

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All about active minutes:



By default, you are given a starting goal of 30 active minutes a day based on the CDC recommendation of 20-30 minutes of daily moderate-to-intense activity. You can always change your active minutes goal to meet your personal needs. For information on how to change your goals, see How do I track my health and fitness goals with Fitbit?

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WmChapman | TX

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And how much more calories an active minute burns compared to a minute at rest depends on how active that minute actually was. Active minutes can be with a lower heart rate (fat burn zone), medium heart rate (cardio zone) or at a very high heart rate (peak zone). It also depends on your weight, gender and height. Therefore, this part of your question is not easy to answer.

Karolien | The Netherlands

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