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Breastfeeding and loosing weight

Any moms trying to loose weght while breastfeeding? Did it mess with your supply?

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I breast fed with both my kids and still currently nursing my 1 year old. I found that as long as i drank enough water I was fine, even if they did not "feel" full. to give you the stats I was 210 at 6ft tall for both my kids at about the 9th month. I lost all the weight and got back down to 160 in about 5-6 months. I went to the gym every day from 9-10am and did 10min cardio (running) and the rest heavy weight lifting. I was also a stay at home mom at the time, now im working full time and i only get gym time on weekends, or forced marches walk the dog and chaseing toddlers who refuse to stay in the stroller. Ive found that the weight has stayed off, but i am not in shape by any means. no amount of bench pressing will skrew you milk supply up so keep that in mind. I could bench 170 when my daughter was 9 months old and very much only nursing. So dont shy away from the weights.

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