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Cheating in a Challenge


Would most people considered it cheating if a person in a fitbit challenge wears the fitbit on their ankle and bounces and taps their leg/foot all day long?  I consider that cheating...just wondering what other people think. 

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@I-train-hard indeed, but the flip side to that is, why invite someone who you know does x amount of steps and then accuse them of cheating when they do said amount per day


I think people need to only invite those that do roughly the same amount of steps, if you are going to invite people that do more steps than you, then you need to expect that you are not going to win that challenge unless you work harder

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I make a lot of money on challenges.  So when people cheat it really bothers me........ Ummmm actually I do the challenges for fun and there is no record or money prizes or fame associated with how they end up so as long as it is harmless why do i care if someone else is using the tool in a different manner?   Just like those who have it on ankle when ridign bikes.  If it worjs for THEM then who am I to complain?  This is a TOOL.  A fun one and when it stops being fun we will stop using it.


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A lot of people use Fitbit, MtFitnessPal and challenges to help them lose weight and the challenges help push them to go that little further

A lot of people go to the gym but not everyone has the time or money

The point here is why cheat just to win challenges, kind of pointless

Think of it this way, if you setup a challenge and all the people in it cheat, it wouldn't be hey let's see who can do the most steps but who can cheat the most, would you think hey that was fun? Kind of defeats the purpose of challenges and eventually you would get bored and the money you spent on the Fitbit would have been just be a waste of money

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People never cease to amaze me. I can't believe that someone would do that in a challenge but then again, weirder things have happened. Of course it's cheating but they are only cheating themselves, since obviously others are aware of what they are doing.

I wouldn't even bring it up since it's not even worth the mention. Let them continue living in their delusions. Some people need them in order to make it through the day so why strip them of it. Imagine what they must be going through in their lives in order to have to resort to something like that? You have to feel sorry for some people, they can truly be pitiful.

Just don't bother inviting them to a challenge again since you want to be able to compete in real ones.
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How does one get the fitbit to stay on the ankle?  Sounds awkward.

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@BevinVA Most buy a larger fitbit or an extender for the ankle.


Just be aware it not accurate

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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It seems to me that putting it on your ankle would be more accurate in places like a grocery store where your arm doesn't move while you push the cart.  Sounds like too much work and expense for the average person, anyway.  I can't imagine doing that just to cheat in a challenge.

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I know of people who sit on a chair and just shake their hand up and down to get steps in!  Do not appreciate those who 'cheat' in a challenge.  I work hard to do it honestly!

@gwengreen wrote:

Would most people considered it cheating if a person in a fitbit challenge wears the fitbit on their ankle and bounces and taps their leg/foot all day long?  I consider that cheating...just wondering what other people think. 


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I am dealing with this right now. I am currently in a week long challange and I bust my butt daily averaging 15k-25k steps (yesterday I made 32k). There is someone in the challenge that was 14k steps behind me at midnight and when I woke up at 4 am, she was ahead of me by 10k and by 9am 30k while I was also gaining steps at the same time...  I have hiked with this person and know for a fact that she is not in that kind of shape, but why cheat? She also can get about 1000 "steps" in a matter of a couple of minutes. To iliminate my frustration, I will not be adding her to my challenges in the future.  I'm pretty disapointed.

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Challenges are meant to be fun. If its not then leave. Its your choice.


I'm in a few each week where we know each  other. Its fun. we chat have a good time. dosen't matter what steps you get.


Want competition then look for it

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Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

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Community Council Member

Wendy | CA | Moto G6 Android

Want to discuss ways to increase your activity? Visit the Lifestyle Forum

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Unless you can see the person's dashboard, you can't tell when a person gets their steps. On my Surge profile, steps can be eight hours behind, and all of the sudden they catch up. My Zip doesn't normally do the same thing. (I have two accounts.)


I'm in some activity groups. Most of them don't have any cheaters. However, there are a couple that do. If I decide to win or place high one month, I pick a target number for daily steps. If I reach that, I consider the month a success. I single out one competitor who averaged my target number in the previous month and try to beat them.


Personally, I'd never join a workplace challenge. Too many chances to get upset at cheaters. 

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I just rang up steps on my Alta stuffing and sealing envelopes for my boss's holiday card mailing. I'm not doing it deliberately, but I'm not quite sure how many "steps" were actually me reaching with my hand to grab a card or an envelope. I did get up periodically to get more cards or take them to the box where we put our mail to be sent, but not that many.


When I checked my dashboard, it showed light to moderate exercise while I was doing my work. I'm not doing it deliberately, but maybe I should take my Alta off and charge it or something while I'm stuffing envelopes.


My colleague used to have a One and would rack up steps when she was riding her bike. Now that she has a Charge, it doesn't count her steps.



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