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I chose Life..


My name is Caleb and on January 11th, 2018 I made a lifestyle change. I finally found a girlfriend who loved and supported me, and I chose to improve myself for the both of us. 

Since January 11th, 2018 I am down 95lb. I went from 364LB to 270LB. I can not seem to break that line no matter how I diet, or work out. 

I've struggled with weight my entire life and remember sitting in middle school at about 240lb still. 

Since January, I have struggled with eating disorders, hundreds of dollars in OTC weight loss aides, protein drinks, etc.

I guess really what i'm looking for is guidance, help, how did you do it? How do you manage to sustain the downtrend?

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@SunsetRunner wrote:


My name is Caleb and on January 11th, 2018 I made a lifestyle change. I finally found a girlfriend who loved and supported me, and I chose to improve myself for the both of us. 

Since January 11th, 2018 I am down 95lb. I went from 364LB to 270LB. I can not seem to break that line no matter how I diet, or work out. 

I've struggled with weight my entire life and remember sitting in middle school at about 240lb still. 

Since January, I have struggled with eating disorders, hundreds of dollars in OTC weight loss aides, protein drinks, etc.

I guess really what i'm looking for is guidance, help, how did you do it? How do you manage to sustain the downtrend?

Welcome Caleb and congratulations on your spectacular weight loss!!  


Personally, I like to work on my body and restoring it to its balanced healthy state; meaning that I don't have any pre-existing illness or conditions that causes the body to be out of balance (deficient minerals and nutrients) and or the body is in a constant stress state, which is insulin resistant.


When you begin your weigh loss program; usually those impressive results come mainly from loosing water weight, because when you restrict your calorie intake, you also lower your glycogen storage in your muscles (fuel for you), so in that process, you will shed water.  But of course, loosing weight is not only about shedding water.  Loosing weight is about having your body burn fat.  A lot of those OTC weight loss aides and protein drinks work "ONLY" if your body is in ketosis; meaning it's ability to use fat as fuel for your body, except your brain functions as it can only be fuelled by carbohydrates.  Having said that, the reason why these aides don't work have a number of possibilities.


If you have a Thyroid problem, liver problem, digestive problems (colon issues), then you won't be able to loose any more weight.  The reason is that, the body has set up conditions that prevent the burning of fat.  The body has a built in "survival" mode and when it detects a problem in your body, it goes into "SAFE" mode, to prevent any further damage to your internal organs.  So do see your medical doctor (GP) to verify through blood tests, urine tests and possibly fecal tests to confirm that your Thyroid, liver and digestive systems are fine.  If they are not fine, you need to heal first from those medical issues before you can continue your weight loss.


If you have no Thyroid, liver and digestive issues, then you have one of the most common symptoms that prevent weight loss.  It's called the Adrenalin gland syndrome; which is part of the Endocrine system.  It's a hormone issues; namely too much cortisol due to stress issues in your life.  People who suffer from adrenalin gland syndrome have chronic insulin issues.  Meaning, the insulin level is always high and they are known as insulin resistant.


One of the mechanism that stops your body burning fat is the presence of insulin.  Which means that even a teeny tiny bit of insulin is present in your body, your body does not burn fat at all.  So even you are in a 500 caloric deficit; that's mainly coming from carbs and zero from fat, because insulin prevents your body from burning fat.  You are in a weight plateau because of that.  Now, you didn't mention what sort of diet you are in now, but if you cut out all your refined carbs, it will take your body sometime to convert over to ketosis (meaning the body will start using fat as energy).  This conversion stage takes at the minimum 6 weeks to a few months.  However, the conversion stage will not happen if there is a presence of insulin in your body.


Main conditions that the body can not burn fat..


1, Presence of insulin 

2, Low potassium level (you need 4700mg/day) which means 7 cups of leafy greens

3, Good deep sleep with at least for delta stage 4 sleep.  About 93% of fat burning occurs DURING YOUR DELTA STAGE 4 sleep!  Lack of good sleep is a cause of lack of fat burn.

4, High stress level (high level of cortisol) -- stress is cumulative after the day you were born to you are now.  If you have life challenges that you were running away from; this builds up in you and can cause you to have sleep apnea and insomnia.  The 2 conditions will not allow you to burn fat in your sleep.


Anyhow, I think I have given you some food for thought.  Let me know if you have any questions.  And yes, I had recently been through this if you see my Trendweight, and after the plateau, my weight loss begins again.


Weight loss is an effect of good body health.  Get your body healthy first, then the weight loss will come!


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Thank you for your big response, I read through it thoroughly.


So, I recently had bloodwork done. (Within the last 6 months) and my bloodwork comes back as normal.


That being said stress is a huge issue in my life, as my personal life has taken on all of my houses finances (girlfriend lost her job). My personal life, I'm a 911 Dispatcher for law enforcement and I work 12-16 hour shifts regularly to support the house. 


That being said, I do take multiple supplements daily as well. 

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Congrats for your impressive weight loss, @SunsetRunner!


I suggest you watch the Losing All Your Weight At Once video by Dr. Mike Israetel. It explains why weight loss usually stalls after a while, and what to do about it.

Dominique | Finland

Ionic, Aria, Flyer, TrendWeight | Windows 7, OS X 10.13.5 | Motorola Moto G6 (Android 9), iPad Air (iOS 12.4.4)

Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.

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@SunsetRunner, @Dominique,


I think there is merit to occasional plateaus. 


There isn't enough information to really help you. Most likely, there are problems with what you are eating. As a first step, I suggest listing all the food you eat for a few days. The amounts aren't necessary. You can gradually start eliminating the obvious ones that aren't so good and start replacing them with better and cheaper alternatives you bring from home. 


I wouldn't be so quick to label yourself as having an eating disorder. You are likely lacking knowledge about what foods to eat and succumbing to natural cravings because of a dysfunctional way of eating. Don't blame yourself. There is too much advertising out there to make it easy to make healthy choices.


This process can be personal, and many people don't like to get too personal on the internet. We can work around that. If you only want to post one food you know you shouldn't be eating, we can suggest alternatives.


I can tell you with certainty that the way to success is not eating in a way where you are hungry all the time. Increasing exercise can help, but it can also be a trap if overdone. Focusing on exercise can sap the mental energy you should be directing it towards changing the foods you eat.


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@SunsetRunner wrote:

Thank you for your big response, I read through it thoroughly.


So, I recently had bloodwork done. (Within the last 6 months) and my bloodwork comes back as normal.


That being said stress is a huge issue in my life, as my personal life has taken on all of my houses finances (girlfriend lost her job). My personal life, I'm a 911 Dispatcher for law enforcement and I work 12-16 hour shifts regularly to support the house. 


That being said, I do take multiple supplements daily as well. 

Fantastic Caleb; you're on the roll there!!  By having blood work done and having your doctor rule out any medical issues, you're way ahead of solving your metabolism issues.


I work in the nursing field and therefore feel the immense stress you are dealing with your work life that I think some people do not yet have any deep comprehension from.  So thank you for sharing your personal information to us.  Having said that, working 12-16 hour shifts are not conducive to effective weight loss management.  You need to have at least 1 to 2 hr of good deep sleep (Delta Stage 4) in order for your body to recharge and burn fat.  The way you see this is to use your Fitbit to track your sleep and see how many of deep sleep events you have.  If you only have shallow sleep, just judging from your stress level and your long shifts, then your body does not have the chance to recover.  The Endrocrine system has both the sympathetic nerve system and the parasympathetic nerve system.  Sympathetic system  is what controls the "Fight or Flight" response.  The parasympathetic nerve system is what shuts it off either through good deep sleep, meditation, relax breathing and meridian tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) and of course removing all stress in your whole life.  I think your Adrenalin glands are set to "ON" as dealing with 911 calls can be an emotional and stressful event on going.  Also with your girlfriend out of work, you are bearing all the financial responsibilities on your shoulders.  When there is a presence of insulin in your body due to continued high stress exposure, it will take about 72 hrs for your blood sugar to normalize and start burning fat again.  That is why insulin resistant is an epidemic in North America.  The body does not have a chance to recover, so insulin level is always high.  By the way, a typical blood work checks for blood glucose level (BFS or Blood Fasting Sugar).  There is another test called BFI or Blood Fasting Insulin which checks for the insulin level.  


Having said that, that was how I broke through my 142 lbs barrier, the same weight I had since high school.  Now my older pants that I couldn't wore when I was overweight is looser in my new body.  My waist line has shrunk.  Even my new pants I bought this spring is now loose!!  Again, how I dealt with stress in my nursing care profession was for me to make a choice to remove as much stress in the work life by taking less shifts.  I'm fortunate in a way that I can afford to do it as nursing is my second career.  My first career was in corporate management and while I made a bundle of money, I was in an extreme stress environment and my weight just shot up.  I use extreme sports like running ultra-marathon, ultra-cycling and swimming to lower that weight to 142lb and stop there until my body broke and my mind broke after 2 decades of doing extreme sports to control my blood sugar levels.   Thankfully, I invested wisely so I now have a good basic income, a house to live in and a used car to get me to and from work, so I was able to leave my high paying 6 figure salary and got into nursing, for which I always wanted to be anyhow.  The nursing salary is basically to provide me with some vacation money to relax and recharge, because even in nursing the stress is high, though not as high as in corporate management, but still most of my colleagues are  in the "overweight" category.  They envy my fit body, but then again there is always a choice they could make to reduce that stress and that usually is all about "making money to make ends meet".  In all likelihood, stress will get you to eat more carbs as your body will crave it.


In regards to supplements.  I do not recommend that you use supplements as a replacement for ingestion plants that contain those natural minerals and nutrients, unless they are plant based derivatives.  Most supplements are chemical based.   Which means, your body needs to convert these chemical based minerals and nutrients into an intermediate stage before absorption.  Since your body is already under a lot of stress, there will be instances that the body simply do not have the means to absorb the minerals and nutrients from the supplements.  Also under stress your Blood PH could be too alkaline, which is why there is on old remedy and that is "Apple Cider Vinegar from Bragg or known as "The Mother" which helps regulate blood sugar and helps with sleep for this reason by helping lower your blood pH to neutral or even slightly more acidic.. 


Your blood PH has a very narrow range from pH 7.35 to 7.45 (this is from memory 🙂 as pH 7 is neutral.  Incidentally, eating "SUGAR" neutralize the blood pH too and that's another reason why the body crave sugar; not only for fuel but it is also to normalize blood PH.  And the body doesn't absorb minerals and nutrients that well when your blood PH is too alkaline.  


Foods that leave the metabolic waste that can effect blood pH.

Acidic - Meat, poultry, dairy, eggs, grains and alcohol

Neutral - Natural fats, starches and sugars

Alkaline - Fruits, nuts, legumes and vegetables.


Anyhow, your body will crave for certain foods to fulfill its needs for normalizing blood pH, blood sugar levels and nutrients and minerals from natural sources.  Supplements can not affect the blood pH the same way as fruits, nuts, legumes and vegetables.  Take Ascorbic Acid for instance, which is vitamin C.  The chemical elements of Ascorbic Acid has zero Vitamin C and yet when combined, it simulates Vitamin C.  When taking in great amount however, you will get Vitamin C deficiency and can lead to diseases like Scurvy!  Take Calcium supplement which comes from Calcium Carbonate -- aka limestone.  You're probably be better off eating concrete for free than pay for those supplements to get Calcium.  So getting minerals and nutrients from natural sources is better.


I hope this is not too much information overload on you.  Anyhow, I think you need to address your stress issues first.  If your 911 job comes with free counselling services, then I highly suggest that you take the opportunity to talk to a counsellor and seek help to reduce that stress level.  Counsellors are equipped in dealing with these issues and may have the tools you need to manage your stress and your burden in life.  Then when you can manage the stress; look at how can you eat more healthy and more organic and cook more at home rather than eating outside.  As even eating outside from a healthy restaurant contain an abnormally high levels of sugar and salt to make even the most organic claimed food taste good.  


Hope this helps..

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hey there @SunsetRunner.. you already have a lot of great advice.. so I will try to keep mine short... you need a reset in my opinion. The things you did worked for you to help you lose an astronomical amount of weight which you should be so proud of. When you lose that much, it kind of becomes a different game. you eat a hershey kiss on monday and nothing happens, so you think, hmm maybe I can eat one every single day. and then one becomes two and you add other things to the mix. go back to basics. recalculate your current weight and what your intake should be. figure out the deficit you are comfortable with. figure out the food that falls into that calorie count for the day. go back to weighing food- and if you didn't before do it now. restart your calories and your mindset and wait for the magic to happen.... 

Elena | Pennsylvania

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