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Looking for Fitbit friends

Good Morning, I am looking for Fitbit friends to compete with and for motivation to be more active. I have 100+ pounds to lose and have lost 52 since January. I have tried many types of diets, some I succeeded for awhile, but I eventually gained it all back. I am trying this time to be successful by the basic concept of excercising and eating fewer calories.  If you would like to be firends my email address is

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Hello @timetocutthefat! It's great to hear that you are interested in adding more friends to your profileand to stay active. I would like to provide to you with a link for a post that I shared with other Community Members that are trying to stay motivated and achieve their goals. Here it is:


I wish you the best! Robot Happy


Melissa | Community Moderator, Fitbit

How are you fitbitting with your (pet) best friend? Show us!

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