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New user - looking for friends! :-)

Looking for encouragement and idea's. Will be starting on Monday to go full force and do this right. Walking, cardio and lifestyle change for my diet. Last 4 years I put on 60 pounds. Had neck surgery, menapause and quit smoking plus turning 50 this year - it is now or never!

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Looks like you've got the right ideas! Make sure to track all of your food. In the two weeks that I've had my fitbit, I've tracked everything and have lost about 6 lbs (I haven't tracked it yet because I am still in disbelief - I'll wait until Monday to be on the safe side, lol)


This has happened because I always exercised but then ate what I wanted. Knowing exactly how much I can eat and ALSO having a workout plan has made a big difference! You've taken the first step by getting back in the business full force and we are proud of you! You can do it!

Fitbit Surge | 3x Marathoner - Marathon Coach starting in August 2015 | Run 3x wk | Elliptical 2x wk | Strength sessions (Progressive Resistance Training) 3x wk - DO WORK!
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Thank you, I am really positive I can make this happen 🙂
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Hi, Like you I have only started using my fitbit flex but so far fingers crossed it is motivating me. I would love to make some new friends to help me stay on track and hopefully I could return the favour. So please feel free to add me 🙂

I have piled on the weight this last few years, I think after hitting 40 things just got harder. 

So far this week ( only started on tues) I have managed the 10,000 steps + some days and been keeping track of the calories in and out.


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That is great.  I have been on and off never really having anything click which is really strange since I had lose like 45 pounds before my surgery ect... so I know I can do it. I haven't been using my flex cause I was on vacation and the feet took a beating and swelled. I got a fitbit holder from Etsy for my ankle - like it there much better. So I will be putting it back on tomorrow. It is the keeping track of writing everything down even if you cannot figure out the nutrition still to see every bite that you take written down is an amazing truth. 

If you walk outside and use your phone as a music source you can also run map my walk and that is a gps app that will tell you if your walking up a hill or not.

Good luck and we can do this 🙂

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