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I  have posted several times about how much I love my fitbit, for getting me down to my high school weight for my 40th reunion.  Everything was going fine, until I had foot surgery.  No walking except to the bathroom for 6 weeks.  Okay, that would be right in time for our annual ski vacation, I can ski.  No, the DR didn't want me to ski.  I worked out at the health club a couple times, but couldn't set up a regular thing (I LOVE ROUTINES). Then, as soon as I got back, I had hand surgery (yes, I am falling apart).  I could walk, but couldn't do the elliptical with the cast on my hand.  I gained 4 pounds! Not surprising, because I went from 10k steps a day, 4-5 hours of high activity a week, to probably less than 1000 steps for 12 weeks.


Well, you can't change what you don't measure.  Thanks to fitbit, I am starting again. 

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You got this!

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@dlraymer  You can't help it if you needed surgery and have to listen to your doctor. It must be hard not getting up and about after bonding with your Fitbit.


Things will improve soon. Once you're going full blast again, the weight will come off. It's far too easy to gain weight when you are bored and can't get up except to go to the bathroom.


Now you're back on track and you'll make up for lost time. You can do this!


Your daughter still using her Fitbit?


Welcome back.

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

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What a nice replies!!  Yes, I left my fitbit in the drawer-I didn't want to have it record my 50 steps a day. 


My daughter has a fitness class, and she was getting her 10k steps, but she hasn't adjusted her food intake.  She and her dad get take out 3-4 nights a week.  It isn't unhealthy food (he is the Food Nazi), but he rides his bike about 2 hours a day and 6 on Saturday, plus lifts weights.  But the portion sizes, for a 5' girl are just too big.  I remember when she was younger, she wanted Doritoes in her lunch.  I got her baked Doritoes and she said so and so brings a bag of regular Doritoes or Cheetoes every day for lunch.  I asked her how tall they were, and she was 5"9".  I rarely have them get me take out, because it would put me over my daily calorie limit.  I am 5'2"  I can have take out if I skip lunch, but I usually have already eaten by the time they order. It isn't fair, but it is mathematics.


I recorded everything I ate for the first couple weeks, until I knew what I could have (like I said, I am Very into routines.)  I am doing the same thing now--and I have evidence it worked.  So I just got to work it.



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You know how to get this done 🙂 You will succeed! I like that you don't eat with them when they get take out. Depending on where we go and if I can eat for 400 calories or less then I will have some. If not I will wait until we get home to fix myself up something better. 


What are your current step goals?

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I'm so glad to know someone else who doesn't eat what her family's eating.  

My current step goal is 10k per day, and my very active is 35 minutes.  I used to do 45 minutes on the eliptical but I can only do 30 now, so I added the treadmill (we have a great home gym).  I walk at 4mph, and try to run at 4.4 if I can.  I had started doing 30 minutes of eliptical and 30 on the treadmill so that I can take at least one, maybe 2 days off.  I will take one day during the week off, and might take Sunday off if my numbers are okay.  I also added taking the dog on a long walk (2500 steps) which is combination walk/run.  Unfortunately, I started that during the summer, and now that it is winter in Chicago she still expects it. I work from home, so it is easy to find the time--I just use my commuting time!
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The elliptical kicks my butt! I have one of those really cheap ones and it makes me feel like I am constantly going down hill. It also squeaks horribly. I am going to sell it to help pay for a treadmill. Someones has got to want it.


4 MPH is really brisk!  You are really fit! Not only are you going to lose weight but you will also tone up. Happy counting.

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I have a Stairmaster (the real one) that I used for about 20 years.  But I wanted something to give me a little bit of an upper body workout, so I got an eliptical.  It is a really nice one-I researched them, and found out that the wheel in the back is best.  I still do steps--I set the distance up to 6 when the intensity is 1.  But when the intensity is 9, I turn the distance down to 2.  Our treadmill is about 20 years old-I would like to get one with a color display, where I don't have to remember that p4 is the weighloss program.  But it works just fine.


I didn't understand what my husband was talking about when he talked to the builder about this room.  We have half of the basement finished.  At one end, we have a 102" TV and couches.  At the other end, we have a Stairmaster, exercise bike, treadmill, eliptical, weigh machines and free weights.  I wanted to move into the city when we retire, but I know I would never find a set-up like this.  So I am stuck (poor, poor me!)

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I am a city dweller and have minimum space for workout equipment. I am saving for a treadmill, I did some research and found one within my budget that I have reviews say that it is good for multiple workouts a day, which is what I wanted it for. What brand elliptical did you end up with?

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Smooth Fitness.  It was pricey-got it as a Christmas present.  It takes up about the same space as our treadmill.


YAY--I ran 30 minutes without stopping on the treadmill!  I don't run fast, but at least I got that much cardio back after doing nothing but sitting for 2 months!

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Very nice elliptical! Best Christmas present ever! I need Santa to bring me one of those bad boy, I will be good all year! Promise! 

Way to go on the elliptical! 30 minutes is a nice milestone, soon you will be doing 45 minutes, then a hour! I wish mine was not so crappy, though I did get in a nice walk today. 


Everyone keep pushing! 

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