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What's your best weight loss tip when working out daily?

58.  5'7, 160 lbs.  Workout daily with Zumba, strength and resistance training for up to 2 hours daily at the Y with a trainer.  Love it.  10,000+ steps daily.  Diet is good after meeting with the doctor and will be off blood pressure meds soon.  No other problems except that I can't lose weight.  Just shedding a few inches.  What can I do to jump start if diet is good and calorie intake is less than what I burn?  Frustrated in CA.

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How long have you been on this regimine?  It sounds like you are doing everything right.  If you are losing inches, but not weight, that would seem to indicate that you are gaining muscle mass which is helpful in losing weight.  Keep at it for a while and see if the weight loss picks up.  You may want to ask your trainer if there is anything you can do differently.

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I would agree. Many of us have been conditioned to worry about our weight - the gravitational pull the Earth has on us, when it's really a less than meaningful statistic. It can, and should give us enough information to check to see if our clothes will still fit better or not before they actually do. But, if you've lost inches that is a wonderful thing. Don't worry about the scale. Perhaps invest in one of those calipers that can measure your body fat percentage, or one of those digital scales (which vary a great deal, depending on your level of hydration).


In the meantime, use FitBit's Log section to make a note of your measurements (you can set those to private) and record them once a week or every two weeks to see how you're progressing. It'll be far more meaningful than your weight.

Those who have no idea what they are doing genuinely have no idea that they don't know what they're doing. - John Cleese
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I was 154 in October and now weight 158.  Following the fitbit plan of burned vs eaten and I'm mostly in the zone.  No weight loss.  Example  worked out for 1 hour hard.  Weight training today.  Walked the dog 3 miles.  Other stuff more than 13,000+ steps.  

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I've gotten good results (when I've been doing everything else right re: calorie intake, exercise, etc.) by increasing my protein intake (by like double... I've been intaking about .7 grams per lb of body weight, instead of my usual diet).  When I do that, the weight seems to drop faster for me.

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Interesting, I wonder why?  I use a Whey Protein powder after workouts.

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dancing to songza - love the altpop workout, brush your teeth after dinner, go to bed early when you can (to avoid late night snacks), folding laundry while bopping, pumping milk everyday (if you're a nursing mom), eating slowly, always have water at the ready, adding hemp hearts, chia and flax seeds to just about everything to avoid GI spikes

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If you're exercising that much your muscles are probably retaining a lot of fluid. This happens when we increase the intensity, duration, type or are new to exercise. They're called glycogen stores that your body reserves to pull from the next time you exercise. It can mask any fat loss on the scale which is probably why you're seeing inches lost but no pounds.


Weight is very deceiving when it comes to determining your progress. All sorts of factors can affect scale weight and it's not as though the scale only measures the content of fat in your body, it also measures lean muscle and tissue, fluid, food/liquid in the digestive tract. A better indication of progress is that you're losing inches. This means you are indeed losing body fat. I'd use the scale as a loose guide of your progress and maybe see if you can get your body fat % tested at your gym monthly?

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my Mom has been a weight loss sort of expert for years, and I finally decided to listen to her. To jump start your weight loss I would seriously reccomend RAW FIT protein once or twice a day and then RAW MEAL replacement for lunch after you finish the first of the RAW FIT. It is not the best tasting ever, but it is vegan and I have been noticing increased energy for cardio and lifting. I have shed inches (sadly not weight) since New Years. The protein powder is slightly, or extremely, expenssive, but can be found online cheaper. Vanilla Chai is a good flavor! Justuse it until you start losing weight, or inches, and then continue with a healthy food, cardio, and weight training plan.

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btw RAW is from garden of life so they are vegan

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You may be allergic to Whey. Many people are and don't know it... I know it pretty well. It makes me bloat and feel a tad nauseous. On other occasions I get hives...

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