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Alcohol free?

Anyone struggle going Alcohol free? I am having my ups and downs.  

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Hi @OzNew 

I made the choice to stop drinking more than 5 years ago. At first I found it awkward in social setting, avoiding going to happy hours, but eventually it became my normal and I've noticed more and more friends not drinking too. I just couldn't rationalize putting something toxic in my body when focusing on fitness and healthy food choices. If you are struggling with the idea of missing having a cocktail, try many of the new zero proof options on the market. Amazon carries a few and right now my favorite is Ritual Zero proof tequila substitute. it's salty and spicy, but no hang hangover or other side affects. 

Good luck on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. 

Marci | Bellevue, WA
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@OzNew - I went alcohol free about three months ago for a variety of reasons. Like @MarciM mentioned, it was awkward at first. We have a cottage and my son’s is next door. With no one having to drive anywhere, it’s accurate to say there’s a lot of drinking going on. I had to take a few people aside and bluntly tell them to respect my decision to avoid alcohol and stop making a big deal about it. But it got easier over time and I’m happy with my decision. I do miss a good dirty martini. May have to try Marci’s suggestion about trying one of the non-alcohol vodkas with my olives. 

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Ritual Non-Alcoholic Spirit Alternatives | Free 2-Day Shipping ( Sadly they don't make a vodka yet, but the product line continue to grow and there may be other brands that produce vodka. I've even seen in offered in a restaurant, which was really cool and nice change from soda water, cranberry and lime. 😁

Marci | Bellevue, WA
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You're not alone. I built a ton of weight because of alcoholism where I go through binge eating when I'm drunk. Hope you get a support system that watches over you!

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Thank you for your reply, I have been working on this for over two years. Ups and Downs,  I feel so much better not drinking, better sleep better anxiety, but still have problems being with people and a lot of alcohol, Really like you taking control and just telling people I do not drink. Thank you I will work on that.


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I really like to try different Non Alcoholic Drinks Thank you for the information I will check it out 

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Thank you I look back at myself when I was drinking heavy and eating out of control. That there should keep me on track. Puffy face and over weight! 


Thank you Need to continue with my new lifestyle 5 years impressive! Been working on this off and on for over two years. It inspires me to hear of people that do not drink and that is a really good thing!  



Moderator edit: updated post. 

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Hey @OzNew , I haven't had a drink in a little over 18 years and it's been good overall. A lot better then if I still drank. I don't miss it at all. Welcome to brighter days!

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18 years is bloody amazing @Drumbob – I'm proud of just being free 3 years and counting. I stopped 7 years ago but relapsed quite a few times–you are an inspiration!

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I have went alcohol free after having COVID in August.  I like beer and Brew Dog AF bear tastes like the real with without the alcohol.  You are basically breaking a habit and creating a new one so relax when you don't always get it right.  You will get benefits from doing it more than normal anyway 🙂

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2 months for me now. Feels great!

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Congratulations to everyone who has gone booze free. I am part of a social active beer community that I love. However, I have rules. There is no drinking unless it is the weekend. There is no all day drinking without a really good reason. Healthy snack options are available to snack on and we know when to say when. it isn't perfect, but it allows me to stay in goals and to enjoy the things I love. 

Elena | Pennsylvania

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I am trying the moderation approach. Ind overall i think it works pretty fine. Trying to not have a drink at least Su - Thu, and then Fr/SA, having maybe 1-2 Gin/vodca Tonics or a glass of wine etc.

some days are harder than others. The days w/o I can honestly say that I sleep better and the mornings I am more aware. I sometimes make myself mocktails or just lemon/ginger tea when I have craving in the evenings. Also hard is to not replace it with Chips or ice cream.

I guess there is no standard formular...

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I havd had lately an non-alcoholic Oatmeal stout from Bev Mo and it was actually not too bad.

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Hows this been going?


Ive not drank in over a year now


either way hope your doin ok

~ james
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I quit drinking 3 and a half years ago and am SO glad I did! If anyone reads this and wants support with quitting anything addictive, I highly recommend the free app, "Sober Time". It's a tracker, but also has an extremely active online community. I lived on the app during the first few months because the community was so incredibly helpful. Reading everyone else's stories, struggles, and wins kept me on track.


The changes since I've quit drinking are:

 - no longer puffy looking

 - better quality sleep

 - no hangovers or general tiredness the next day

 - no worries about if I overshared, or said/did something stupid

 - able to eat more delicious food since I'm not drinking my calories

 - able to lead a more active lifestyle


At first it was awkward as others mentioned. For people I didn't want to share much with I just told them that I was on a medication that you can't drink alcohol on. No one can argue with that. I prefer not to lie though, so after a while I learned to say that I gave up drinking for health reasons and that it just doesn't agree with me. That's very true.


I don't miss it anymore, not even during social gatherings...especially after seeing people drink a bit too much and then I'm so grateful to still feel good and clear-headed.

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I struggled with alcohol addiction for four years. I also had my ups and downs. I remember the moment when I almost gave up alcohol, but I had another nervous breakdown. I tried to kill the pain with alcohol. I lost my job, friends, and family because of my addiction. Unfortunately, no one wanted to help me get out of it. I express my gratitude to the only person, my best friend, who took me to alcohol rehab. It was my last chance to start my life from scratch. At the alcohol rehab center, I received professional help. I am very happy that I could get rid of my alcohol addiction.

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