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Bipolar tracking with fitbit

Has anyone tried to use their Fitbit to track a bipolar cycle.  It seems like the resting heart rate for 1 or 3 months does a good job of this. Has anyone else seen the same?

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I haven't heard of it, but it seems like the sleep data would be very useful in that regard.

Work sleep...repeat!
Dave | California

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Yes!  I have started to look back and I can see the highs and lows as they line up with my journaling. The RHR lines up with my level of activity (obviously) but depressive cycles as well. Keep in mind when I am depressed I may work out more just to feel something.  I am considering turning the sleep feature back on.  I turned it off because it became very depressing.  Do you get any value out of the sleep function? I think the more features the more mental health friendly it becomes.  Great deal for us 🙂

~Take care

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I find that my RHR doesn't necessarily correlate to my state of mind, as my hormonal cycles are the primary influencer. 

I do use the daytime heartrate data as a measure of overwhelm. I don't have bipolar, but another condition that means I need to carefully manage my mental health as I do not have a good sense of how I am going until I'm really not ok. If you export your data to Cardiogram, it measures HR against physical activity and notifies against high HR in absense of movement. 

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