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I want friends 😉

Need to be challenged
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Need some motivation to keep my step count up during this cold winter. please add

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Just got my fitbit looking for friends to stay motivated.


Feel free to add me

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Feel free to add me too. Looking for some challenges. 🙂

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Hi i'm new to fitbit, got it for Chrissy, and so am still learning the ropes. I could really do with some friends to help keep me motivated and to swap ideas, recipes and achievements  🙂

I have lost 17.2 kgs since September but still have at least 50kgs to go so i need all the help i can get.

Please feel free to add me 🙂


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Hey everyone. I'm not exactly new, but 2015 has been a rough year and I need to get motivated and involved in weightloss communities and be challenged by friends so anyone want to get in touch. Just a run down...I'll be doing power 90, starting from the bottom, looking to lose 20 lbs and will be exercising every day. I'm 27, living in washington, will soon be moving to Alabama.

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I'm not sure how to add people, but I'd love to have more friends to motivate me 😊😊
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Please feel free to add me! I'm looking for more friends to increase the challenge!
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Please add me. I'm pretty new to fitbit and am looking for some friendly competition to keep me going. Smiley Very Happy

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@Shavauna wrote:
I'm not sure how to add people, but I'd love to have more friends to motivate me 😊😊

Hi @Shavauna


Feel free to check out the Fitbit Article: URL: How do I add friends on Fitbit?

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Feel free to add me

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EDIT: nah

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I am not new to my fitbit but looking for friends to help challenge me! Add Me!

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Hi all, I am new to the fitbit community, bought my charge HR last week to motivate and challenge myself after 3 years of doing F*** all, need a change, need a challenge and need friends to challenge me, if you think you have what it takes, i can assure you that I will challenge you. feel free to add me and I am sure we can all get fit and do this together.

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I need motivation I have been slacking lately, I need to get back into using my fitbit and hitting the gym again, feeling frustrated and down on myself, very bad combination.

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Question...  What's up that threw you off stride?  Believe me, I have been down on myself and there's usually something going on that has my stress level up...  I'm an emotional eater.  I trip up and beat myself up, but know I'm the only one who can kick myself back in gear.  If you can spot the trigger or triggers, half the battle is won.   
I have faith in you and your ability to get back in there!
Sent from my Verizon 4G LTE Smartphone
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Thanks for having faith in me, Not 100% sure what threw me off stride, Part of it is I work in a small office with 2 ladies and they have a habit of eating all kinds of junk and I tend to follow their lead sometimes, most times I can just say no, so I know I do have will, Im an emotional eater myself. I have a hard time when I get home I have a tendency to just snack on stuff all bad stuff of course, I need to find something to snack on that is healthy, I know I make bad food choices. Sometimes I feel like it is a battle that I can't win. I lost 80 lbs in the past and even tho I gained some back (only about 5 lbs but I can feel the difference) 

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@cutecurlsnpearl:  it's a mindset...  hang in there & stay in here.  Check out the weightloss challenge groups & get involved -that did more for motivating me than anything I can name.  It made me more concious of what type of calories I ate.  It also is encouraging to hear success stories - 1 pound at the time.


I've decided that if I can drop just 1 pound and KEEP it off, I'm still better than I was.  Then that next pound, and the next...  I try not to look at how far I still have to go since I tend to get discouraged & give up when I do.  Other things I try are taking the long way to where I need to go on foot (shop one side of the store for one item, go to the other side for another, back to the first for another...  I get a lot of extra walking in that way.  I also work in manufacturing as a engineer - I walk on the plant floor & always take the long way unless I have a crisis to take care of.   Little changes can have great impact!


Good luck!



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I am also new to Fitbit and would like friends! Please add me.

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Add me if anyone wants to.. I love to do challenges! 

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