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Looking for friends that have disabilty ?


Hello Everyone Smiley Wink


I had a Brain Aneurysm, then had it clipped after in ICU I had a Stroke.  My right side was paralized. That was where I was 28.  I had tons of P/T, O/T and SPEECH !! I had ahasia sever but is better now, realitive. 


Well I am now 42.  Losing weight is very harder now.  Just would love to find other disabilities going through the same journey ! I can now walk but with a limp, balance is not the best, but I still try. 

My biggest thing is that I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP ! Walking and being flexible is my team since the I have to keep on going !!


Thank You ! dorothy



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Hi 😃 

I`m sorry to read about your journey beeing so hard! For some life is especially hard, but like you wrote we cannot believe in giving up as long as we have that fight in us.


I myself experianced a prolaps in my neck during High school/upper secondary school, which nearly stopped me from finishing my education. At the same time I got mononucleosis that I never seemed to got rid of.

So struggeling along, going about my life while trying to get answers of why I never really got better again. I kept going and went to teachers college when my body said total stop. The type you see on tv lying in total darkness in bed with no noises etc.


Years later I`ve been given the diagnosis CFS/ME. It took 6years to be taken seriously by doctors and to get an answer. It has taken a long time to get better when it is small steps forward and a leep back again. And then doctors discovered a cyst in my spine. No danger except I was told that I had max 5years to live if it was not removed since it was growing at a fast rate. It would paralyse me from waist down, maybe even arms, a lot of pain and organs would colapse. So emergancy operation was the answer to that. After they said that there was another danger with it if it had not been removed, it had developed it`s own coronary system etc so I could have died any moment from it getting blocked or bursting. This at the age of 23.


A little over a year later, I am still struggling. Coping with the effects of a spinal operation, ME and other things makes it a whole more complicated to get better. Always the not knowing of when my body will stop again. 


But despite all that, beeing very weak and lacking in balance for my age and expected health, am not giving up, and that has given me the ability to no longer beeing isolated in my bedroom 24/7, walks in my neighborhood, light houswork a few times a week, I can now manage to read a little without it forcing me to sleep for hours a time from exhaustion. I can sit in a car to the nearest shop without pure agony and without falling asleep within minuits from exhaustion. So even though everything is a hard battle, all of the time, small steps have gotten me here where I never thought I would be. Looking upon a little brighter future after all. Fitbit has helped me on this road to a better health.


Never give up! 😃


As long as there is any fight left, don't ever give up! Keep in mind, this also means there has to be space for acceptance too.

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Gosh. I admire your persistence. I too am a big believer in not giving up. 


The site above can be helpful to find others going through a similar journey. I also have seen posts by those with MS, who have been looking for friends in a similar situation. 


I hope this helps a bit?

Harriet | UK | Don't wish for it work for it!

Flex, Samsung Nexus & Windows 7

Don't forget to mark as a solution or vote for a posting if you find it helpful 🙂

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Hi Dorithy.  I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome in my left ankle, makes it hard for me to walk or stand, and even have pain when I'm not moving sometimes, although the pain with movement is always worse.  Had CRPS for 9 years, and then I slipped in the ice and broke 2 fingers.  After the breaks healed, I developed CRPS in my injured hand/wrist, a month later, developed it in my uninjured hand/wrist. So now I have pain whenever I use my hands.  Makes exercise of any type pretty daunting. I used to be a long distance I don't even make it to the mail box most days.

Best Answer

Hi 😃 

I`m sorry to read about your journey beeing so hard! For some life is especially hard, but like you wrote we cannot believe in giving up as long as we have that fight in us.


I myself experianced a prolaps in my neck during High school/upper secondary school, which nearly stopped me from finishing my education. At the same time I got mononucleosis that I never seemed to got rid of.

So struggeling along, going about my life while trying to get answers of why I never really got better again. I kept going and went to teachers college when my body said total stop. The type you see on tv lying in total darkness in bed with no noises etc.


Years later I`ve been given the diagnosis CFS/ME. It took 6years to be taken seriously by doctors and to get an answer. It has taken a long time to get better when it is small steps forward and a leep back again. And then doctors discovered a cyst in my spine. No danger except I was told that I had max 5years to live if it was not removed since it was growing at a fast rate. It would paralyse me from waist down, maybe even arms, a lot of pain and organs would colapse. So emergancy operation was the answer to that. After they said that there was another danger with it if it had not been removed, it had developed it`s own coronary system etc so I could have died any moment from it getting blocked or bursting. This at the age of 23.


A little over a year later, I am still struggling. Coping with the effects of a spinal operation, ME and other things makes it a whole more complicated to get better. Always the not knowing of when my body will stop again. 


But despite all that, beeing very weak and lacking in balance for my age and expected health, am not giving up, and that has given me the ability to no longer beeing isolated in my bedroom 24/7, walks in my neighborhood, light houswork a few times a week, I can now manage to read a little without it forcing me to sleep for hours a time from exhaustion. I can sit in a car to the nearest shop without pure agony and without falling asleep within minuits from exhaustion. So even though everything is a hard battle, all of the time, small steps have gotten me here where I never thought I would be. Looking upon a little brighter future after all. Fitbit has helped me on this road to a better health.


Never give up! 😃


As long as there is any fight left, don't ever give up! Keep in mind, this also means there has to be space for acceptance too.
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Thank You for all your support Smiley Wink

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This might also help continue inspiration! A teenage girl born with Vater Syndrome being able to do a PLANK for longer than I could ever imagine doing!

Harriet | UK | Don't wish for it work for it!

Flex, Samsung Nexus & Windows 7

Don't forget to mark as a solution or vote for a posting if you find it helpful 🙂

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Fit-Bit is an amazing tool !! I get excited to use it. I wish there were more disabled people let alone Strokes to help each other !! It can be very powerful !!!
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National Supporter: Fitbit®

Throughout May 2014, Fitbit® will donate $10 of every Red Flex wristband and $2 of every Red Flex accessory band sold sale to the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women movement for a total of $50,000.  Together we can take steps towards fighting cardiovascular diseases & stroke.

To learn more, visit

How Cool is that !!
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Hello everyone! Smiley Very Happy I am new to Fitbit and have been recently diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome). I'm looking into better over all wellness and ways to help me lose about 10lbs (25 ideally). I'm hoping to meet friends who can motivate and inspire me and I will do the same! Fitness and wellness come so much easier when you have a partner!

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looking for any stroke survivors ???

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Survived 5 TIA's ! SEarching for a safe balanced workout ! Read our Story. . Two Teachers. . Two Stroke survivors. .

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Me!  I am!  I recently posted about my inordinately high heart rate.  What is yours?  Mine is around 90-100.  I think this has to do with my having a stroke.  I work out, I'm active....I dont know why, but I am so glad to see someone else here in this community that had the same thing as me!  I have to go now - talk soon!  🙂  

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hey girl !!  😊  I think I know u on Facebook ?? So glad to see you here !! If this is the correct person.?.  You are in Ohio correct ?  We have tons to talk and plenty to share !! We would love to take you on our challenge groups if you would like.... Well have to chat ❣️


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Hi!  I just replied to you on my post.  Couldnt find this right away.  

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