09-15-2021 13:19
09-15-2021 13:19
So I have a question, and be honest: how many of you are procrastinators? I know I am!
This is one thing that I've been trying to tackle for the last few weeks and I want to know what holds you accountable for your procrastination? Are procrastination and motivation linked?
For me, it depends on the situation. Time Management isn't always my friend, which leads to procrastination. It's not that I'm not motivated to do something, just the opposite, but sometimes life gets in the way and I know I don't effectively manage my time to get everything done.
One thing that seems to help me is to make a list of everything I need to do. I am a very visual person, so if I carry my list with me, it serves as a reminder of things I need to do.
What's one thing that you'll start doing to help keep yourself on task?
Kristen | USA Cruising through the Lifestyle Forums
one cruise ship at a time!09-18-2021 17:27
09-18-2021 17:27
Great topic, @DramaQueenDiva! I do think I'm a procrastinator, I feel that motivation is really good to actually get started, but I do need something else to keep going and this when an actual list of things to do or just a set of short term goals gets really useful for me. 😀
09-23-2021 18:20
09-23-2021 18:20
Hi @DramaQueenDiva. I am a procastinator. I leave everything for the last moment. Then, that's the motivation.
Now, I have someone that helps me going ahead and doing what I have to do with more time.
Planning, as you mentioned, helps stopping this habit.