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One will no longer sync to my computer

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My One stopped recording info to my dashboard 4 days ago. I tried turning it off and on again and again to reset it. I messed around with the donigal, as well. Come to find out, they have decided that people with desktop computers are no longer of interest to them. My One will no longer sync to my desktop computer. If I can no longer see my dashboard and trace my goings on then it is useless to me.  What the heck kind of company just writes off a percentage of the population?  I don't have smartphones, bluetooth or tablets. These people are just plain ignorant !!!!!



Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

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Hi @Bittybites  it seems so many things are now depending on us to have smartphones and Fitbit is just one of them. As of this month, it was announced that the computer desktops wouldn't work. My own Windows 8.1 stopped working years ago, so I use my Android phone. Sorry this happened to you. Any chance you have a friend or family member with an older phone they don't want? You don't need to have it working for calls, just use it for syncing and viewing your stats.

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

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I think they know it's mostly us older folks who have the desktops. One more thing we are being written off of.
Someone said Google bought out Fitbit and are making these changes. Once again, screw the old people.

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@Bittybites  most of my younger family members live on their phones. They stay in touch with friends, work, school, shop, eat, bank, stream shows and everything else possible on them. They don't like feeling tied down to a computer, laptop or even a tablet. As for Google, they did acquire Fitbit in January 2021, so it's to be expected that some things will be changing moving forward. 

Stepping in the U.S.A. since September 2013. Android 14

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There was absolutely no reason for google to eliminate computers and elderly who depend on them.
This was definitely aimed at getting rid of the older people.
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Well google can get flushed down the toilet as far as I am concerned.

Total disregard for their older users.

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