09-10-2023 08:17
09-10-2023 08:17
I need an accurate suggestion to replace the Fitbit One. I'm seeing lots of inaccurate information in the community about replacements that do not have the same features. I need the same exact features as the One. It needs to be worn on a clip and track all of the following: floors climbed, steps, active minutes, calories, miles. I spent a lot of time on the Fitbit store site and it does not allow searching nor does it filter for specs and features. From what I could decipher, the products that are clip based, similar shape and size, do not track floors climbed. Anyone find one that does have all of the same features? Thanks!
09-10-2023 08:40
09-10-2023 08:40
Hi @clarkbremer Fitbit sells a clip for the Sense 2 or the Versa 4. Those would be the best to do what you want. It will do all you want and more. With it being worn on the clip, you wouldn't get the heart rate or the oxygen sensor.
09-14-2023 07:28
09-14-2023 07:28
The last couple of weeks, I noticed that the latest Fitbit One version apparently has all but gutted all the original features. WHY?? This is the only core tracker I carry and have carried (and replaced it multiple times) since 2012. I am extremely disappointed in Google which seems hell bent on forcing us to upgrade to inferior products at a premium price. A couple of weeks ago, my one stopped syncing for no reason. Even rebooting it did not solve it. I uninstalled it (huge mistake) and reinstalled to find that now (v6.64) most of the original features have been removed. The only option now available is whether to set it to either right hand or left hand and alarms. I don't even know (doubt it) if this new version can track sleep any longer. This is the most accurate 'Step Counter' I've owned. I also own a Charge 5 and although, as far as 'wrist' trackers goes, it does well, it does *not* have an altimeter and there is an average step difference between my one and C5 of -240 steps per exercise. In other words, I am not getting credit for steps taken, if I only wore the C5. Hence the reason I carry both my One along with my C5. WTG Google!! >;[
09-14-2023 08:27
09-14-2023 08:27
So... what is being recommended, just so I am clear, is to spend more money for features I will lose in order to obtain a core tracker experience in lieu of a product that was working near perfectly as designed (Fitbit One ~ Discontinued) instead of just having a single device that works correctly (according to manufacturer specs) out of the box? Correct? Basically, I still have to own two trackers to get the results I am looking for, for all the features Fitbit boasts, except both trackers are wrist trackers, with one being converted to a core tracker. Wrist trackers are notoriously unreliable and inaccurate in counting steps. (This complaint has been posted and repeated by customers all over the world, ad nauseum, with only mealy mouth replies from Fitbit, now Google.) Over the years, I have personally proved this inaccuracy over and over again with multiple Fitbit products. I have owned a Surge, Inspire, Inspire 2, Ionic, Charge HR, Charge 5, and Versa. NONE OF THEM. Not a single one counts my steps accurately worn on the wrist. The 3 axis accelerometer that Fitbit touts is a joke. And it begs the question, the burning question we all want to know is... how do you muck up the basic function of accurately counting steps when that is all we really want in Fitbit land?? Having all the features that Fitbit can do is the plus... but if can't do what it claims to do 'accurately' ya might as well wear one tracker for all the other features that Fitbit offers (Sleep, HR, Calorie Burn, etc.), and a separate core tracker to get an accurate step count........ oh wait, .... that's what I'm doing now. 😛 😛
09-24-2023 12:34
09-24-2023 12:34
@clarkbremer Here is the most accurate information available about a "real" replacement for a Fitbit One. There isn't one. First, the One is a tracker there is no current tracker that has the altimeter, the hardware that counts floors. Second, there is no current device - tracker or smartwatch - that gives active minutes. Fitbit stopped using active minutes about three years ago, because the CDC no longer recognizes active minutes as an activity measurement.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
09-29-2023 16:36
09-29-2023 16:36
My Fitbit One just died as well. I decided to try the Inspire 3, despite the fact that it does not have all the features as the One. Unfortunately, the Inspire also has a ton of features that I don't want, including that it insists on vibrating and buzzing, which I cannot handle. So I will be returning it.
10-01-2023 23:23
10-01-2023 23:23
Ugh...I came here because my One has died and looking for a clip-on replacement. You can't turn off the alerts on the Inspire 3?
10-13-2023 08:17
10-13-2023 08:17
Hello @TazKate and welcome to the Community. The Inspire 3 has several different vibrations, like your reminders to move and phone notifications. The Inspire 3 gives active zone minutes, not the active minutes like your One. Fitbit added vibrations when you go between your fat burn, cardio and peak heart rate zones. I agree they are annoying and you can turn them all off. The heart rate, active zone minutes, and automatic exercise recognition are turned off when you are on the On Body setting. Wear Inspire 3 You can control the vibrations.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
10-13-2023 17:48
10-13-2023 17:48
Thank you that’s useful information! So when you’re wearing it in the clip on your belt for example what does it track? Just steps?
10-16-2023 23:31
10-16-2023 23:31
Yup, that seems to be an accurate description of what is available in terms of floors/stairs. I originally got my Fitbit One when we lived exclusively in a three level home with 57 steps inside the home and 104 outside the home. I was one “Fit Bit**”… lol. We purchased a second home at “elevation” 3626 ft, but it is a ranch home. No stairs but, when I walk the neighborhood I end up with 20 flights of stairs.
I only use it for “yucks” and not for training.
it’s a nice feature and when mine breaks, I won’t bother to replace it, so no sale of Fitbit for me… I’ll just use my iPhone.
11-13-2023 03:26
11-13-2023 03:26
I'm a bit late to this party but I too have been looking for a replacement for the Fitbit One. I don't need a smartwatch (frankly I don't know who does - and I can't read the screens anyway and with most you still have to carry your phone!) but I do want a fitness tracker like the Fitbit One. Unfortunately, this seems to be like looking for hens' teeth. I liked the clip too rather than a wrist band and the features of the One met my needs. Also, it seems we are being pushed into paying for what used to come free with the push to move to a subscription model for the app. This is another negative in my view and one that will become costly in time. Sadly I think Fitbit/Google are no longer interested in catering to those of us who just need/want the basics without the fuss.
11-15-2023 04:44
11-15-2023 04:44
@KSS2 The closest replacement for a One is the Inspire 3 with the clip that is sold separately. It has an On Wrist/On Body option. It doesn't have an altimeter, so it doesn't count floors like a One. You definitely don't need to pay for a subscription for Premium to get the basics.
Laurie | Maryland
Sense 2, Luxe, Aria 2 | iOS | Mac OS
Take a look at the Fitbit help site for further assistance and information.
11-28-2023 15:45
11-28-2023 15:45
Look on eBay for a refurbished One with a new battery.
11-29-2023 12:13
11-29-2023 12:13
Hello Computiac, thanks for the recommendation. In fact, I have bought 3 Ones from eBay over the years, but the problem is not finding them. The issue I'm having has to do with Google deprecating the firmware to the point it is only good now for counting steps and incline increases. It was a premier product when it first came out and all was well until it was discontinued and focus was put on Fitbit wrist trackers. Over the last several years little by little they have reduced its functionality. Tired of it. Hope Google is paying attention to the complaints, because they are about to lose a decade's long customer. Highly likely that this is my last purchase from Fitbit/Google as I am actively seeking alternatives.
11-29-2023 14:08
11-29-2023 14:08
Hi Pegasuss, I feel your pain and have done the same. No point in continuing with Fitbit if they don't offer what we want. All the reviews I have read about the wrist trackers is that they are not accurate even for step counting. I think this is because they rely on the wearer swinging their arms (and at a particular rate and distance) which means if your arms are relatively still - carrying something for example - the steps are not recorded. Given the constant lowering of the Fitbit One functionality and the continued push to 'upgrade' to something that is unwanted and unnecessary, we might just as well buy a cheap pedometer that actually does the job we need it to do.
11-29-2023 14:15
11-29-2023 14:15
I have been looking for something close to the One myself with no luck at all.
If you have a One that works good but needs a new battery, you might be able to ask them to not update the firmware when replacing it.