04-25-2018 14:30
04-25-2018 14:30
My step count was at 3066 steps. When I looked at it about thirty minutes later, my step count had decreased to 2963. I use the Fitbit app on the IPhone. I do not have Mobile Tracker pulling data from my phone. I have not set up my stride distance. I'm not sure why my step count would go down.
Any thoughts?
04-25-2018 16:00
04-25-2018 16:00
That happened to me once and it was because I manually Logged a walk so it decreased my steps. I was also advised that using some third party apps can cause the same problem.
For me it it didn’t decrease the steps straight away it took about 30 mins too. Once I removed the manual log my steps returned
Below is the advise I got from Fitbit support. Hope this rectifies your lost steps
04-27-2018 11:51
04-27-2018 11:51
Thanks for the reply!
That doesn't quite fit with this situation because I don't manually log walks. Unless I'm doing it and don't realize it. I do use the exercise feature that logs workout duration, distance, stepcount, etc. Is that a manual log?
04-27-2018 12:07
04-27-2018 12:07
Yes I believe so. Keep note on a bit of paper you work out but delete it if you manually logged it and see if it refreshes itself. You may have to give it a few minutes to put back your steps
04-27-2018 12:10
04-27-2018 12:10
Wait a sec did you log it after your work out or before? If after if could be the reason you lost steps but just make sure you write down you log before you delete it in case it doesn’t rectify