A Nickel Free Tracker for your Wrist

I am allergic to nickel. I use the Fitbit Zip, but I want something that can track heart rate and sleep. It seems that all of your available wrist products are made with nickel. As this is such a common allergy, I think it would only make practical sense for you to develop a product that doesn't use nickel. With all of the wrist irritation issues plaguing users of fitness trackers over the years, I would encourage you to be a leader in developing a device that is hypoallergenic. I tried a Fitbit Charge and, within minutes, had a red reaction on my wrist. I don't want to buy a device that will irritate my skin and, until you develop a new device, I am going to have to look into other companies' trackers. 

Recovery Runner

Thank you very much! This is a good recommendation!

But YIKES! For the price of a Pixel, we could get her an Apple Watch. 

I have a serious nickel allergy. I reacted to Versa too but too late to return it.
I’m now using my old Fitbit Blaze ( thank goodness I didn’t give it away like the others) and it has a ceramic back which doesn’t bother me. I cost the frame and buckle in clear mail polish. Note that it still works but this model isn’t supported by Fitbit anymore, although it still tracks well.
Maybe you can find a workable one online. Good luck!

It’s not the contact points - it’s the metal frame on the underside which contacts the skin.

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