Ability to change goals per day, without changing all past days.

We should be able to change our goals without changing all of our past goals.
For example, on holiday break I was happy to lower my goal to 5,000 steps. Or converter, some days I want to do more and want to up my goal to 15,000 or even 20,000...but then It changes all the past days.



Moderator edit: added labels


Hi Fitbit!


This has been years!  What's going on? How many votes are needed to consider this?  

It seems pretty straightforward - Define "weekend" 

Set goal for "weekend"

What's holding this up?

Recovery Runner

Just showing my solidarity for the thousands of people who are also angry about this. I really don't understand why this is so complicated for them to do. They're fine with making entirely new devices, storing music, payment features, water proof, but you can't do a simple software change like this? 

First Steps

This would be so great. I have lifting days and cardio days. It would be great to set my steps a little lower on my lifting days so I don’t have to 1. Change my goals every single morning 2. Over-exercise to hit my step goal even though I will be lifting heavy and it would be better to get In a few less steps those days so my body can recover and grow muscle properly or 3. Not hit my goal and feel bad about it even though I did what was best for my body. It’s just a mental thing I aim to hit every goal every day.

Not applicable

When one is getting started with improving fitness, they don’t start at 10,000 daily steps. Maybe they start at 5,000 steps and after reaching that goal for a week, they increase the goal to 6,000 steps.  When goals are achieved there are fireworks and the goal turns green. The problem is when it is increased, the prior dates which were green now use the new goal as the measure and they turn back to unmet and blue.  So if I had met my goals 4 or 5 days last week, increase my goal for this week, all of last week shows as unmet and switches to blue.  This is disheartening.  I want to see if I can improve and it looks like I’m going backwards. 


When I contacted customer support they said that is the way the system is designed and a proper goal is 10,000.  And to post something on the community page.  Hence my suggestion:  freeze days where goals are met and when goals are changed apply that going forward, not backwards. 

First Steps

I would like the history of my exercise, sleep, water consumption, goals to stay the same when I change/increase my goals. If, for example, I increase my daily step goal, it changes all my past history to match that new change. This doesn't allow me to track growth and improvement over time.

First Steps

As someone who walks a lot through the week for work, not as much at the weekend, and then almost double my usual goals on a day when I go to my running club, I would like the option to configure the step goal for each day individually.

I understand that being able to set all the daily goals to be the same works for people trying to hit 10,000 steps a day, but being able to have Monday-Thursday at 12,500; Friday at 20,000 and Saturday/Sunday as 10,000 would be super useful! 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @BlueWoozle, thanks for explaining why you would like to have this option. I've moved it into a similar suggestion which has been updated as "Under Consideration". You can learn more about here. Keep adding your suggestions!

First Steps
It’s been “under consideration” for years. Fitbit has no intention of making the change regardless of how many users have asked.

My advice, get a different fitness watch.

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Not applicable
This is disappointing- I don’t have the resources to buy a different device now, but will consider it in the future.

Sent from my electronic mobile device. Please excuse brevity &/or typing errors.
Status changed to: Released
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks for sharing this suggestion. We’re very happy to let you know that this has been released on the latest version of the Fitbit app. Now, when you change a goal, it won't retroactively apply to your previous days and stats.

@msbroberts, in recognition of your excellent suggestion, each of your votes will now count as 5 votes – you have the power! Thank you for sharing your idea, and thanks to all the voters and commenters for your enthusiasm which has now materialized for everyone’s benefit. We hope you all enjoy this new addition to the Fitbit product or service!

First Steps
That’s awesome! I’ve been following this post I’m getting update emails on
it for literally years! Thank you!
Sent from my iPhone
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

@Mginsburg thanks for your patience! Happy to have delivered 🙂

Not applicable

wow, FitBit actually did something, just one month short of 5 years later, after 487 user comments. How many people that wanted this do you think are still using FitBit devices?

I know a few people gave up and picked other trackers. I still think it should have been done from day one as other trackers have the ability to do so. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

I god so happy reading this feature was finaly released,  but....

In my fitbit app history still changes when I update my goal, and I get kinda sad seeing no goals met in history... 

Checked play store (Android Phone) and newest update is 15.08.2019, nothing new to update to... When can I hope to see the update with this feature?? 

It doesn't work for me either. I tried it, didn't work, uninstalled then reinstalled and that didn't work. Fed up with it now to be honest. It's such a small request which you can do on other trackers, so why not Fitbit?

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Rosiemckenzie, thnx for responding.  Really fedup her to... 

Base Runner

Oh my gosh, did Fitbit actually listen to its users and apply this change? 

Wow, awesome! 

Apparently so although I've not been able to do so even after reinstalling the app!!

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Not applicable

To be sure, the Fitbit company did surely, with all their staff, eventually implement this 50-lines-of-code max "feature" in no less than the time that it takes for a single cell zygote to grow into a 5 year old child composed of billions of cells, with a higher intelligence than any non human creature on the planet, that has learnt a language, is able to converse with other humans, interact with the friends, learn about give-and-take, which other children are worth playing with or investing time in, and generally, make their own decision that buying fitbit products is giving hard earned candy to a charlatan and generally a fool's game.


Not applicable

this feature request was

"Submitted by msbroberts on ‎01-10-2014"


I will add, one or two of my own feature requests were "closed" or redirected in some fashion to this request, although they were not at all related. "hey I've merged your feature request that could be done in 5 minutes, into this feature request that has languished unconsidered for 4 years".


Fitbit has treated this feature request (and likely many others) as a dumping ground for multitudes of other requests that they didn't want to consider.


It's unlikely that more than a tiny fraction of those have been addressed by Fitbit, 5 years later, actually implementing this feature request.


As I remember it, my feature request was simply related to changing the dates or baseline date in a chart produced on the web site. Not helped at all by this being " implemented" 5 years later.


but it's all pointless, I won't be buying a fitbit product ever again.


their Fitbit Aria for example, that I purchased at quite an expensive price at the time, claimed to support 802.11 b/g networks.


I had an 802.11g & n network at the time, about 3 years ago if I recall correctly.


802.11n is approved in 2009, 10 years ago.

802.11g is from 2003, 16 years ago.

802.11b is from 1999,  just 20 years ago. two decades.


This FitBit Aria, sold as supporting B/G networks, would connect fine to a G network, during setup and registration of the device, but would therefore fall back into B mode - meaning that you could only use it with wireless networks set to operate to provide B network support, a 20 year old technology. if your network supports just G, or G plus N, you're screwed.


False advertising and fraud from Fitbit, and they've never addressed this as far as I'm. aware.


I personally have had to power and run, 24/7, an extra wifi access point with 802.11 B support for years now just to allow my Fitbit to upload my aria scale data. That's the truth of this company. I have to keep running 12 year old hardware for 20 year old technology just to use what they were selling as "modern" 4 years ago, and after 5 years they still cannot allow users to change whether a body fat percentage in a chart on a website is shown as a loss from 2018 or a gain from 2017.


This company is a pathetic joke.

Not applicable

seriously one of my feature requests that was merged into this one, was,

please add a chart showing a line for body fat loss instead of just overall weight loss.


It is really not that hard.


you have overall weight before and after.

you have fat percentage before and after.


you show a chart with a line for non body-fat, and total body weight.


the body fat, is a simple mathematical calculation of the two values you already have.


body fat = "total body weight "  - "non fat weight"


I'm a software engineer and I guarantee that is a single line of code to add.


In fact in my estimation as a coder I would almost guarantee that they already have the figure that *I* want to see, and are calculating the non-bodyfat weight via:


non bodyfat = total - fat


so simple a 9 year old would have no trouble with it.


all i asked for was a chart that showed a line for that figure instead of another figure.


copy, paste, edit the new code to chart fat instead of lean. edit the chart title to say Fat percentage instead of Lean Percentage.


30 seconds actual coding.


test it out. try it out, get it reviewed by 3 people. marketing people to approve the web page layout with an extra chart to scroll by (maybe they will feel the page is too "long" now, we don't want our customers to scroll down, even if it gives them what they have asked for for 5 years...).ok they accept it, so merge the change.


3 hours of human work, total. neglected for years.



Not applicable

oh sorry I forgot, you're probably doing Agile, right, so that you be responsive to product owners / stakeholders etc. so you probably need to add too that 15 minutes for 5 people in a small team every day for 3 days, to discuss and give updates on the 3 line code change. still, that's another 4 hours of wasted time, not 4 years.


People would understand, if your company was doing a single thing innovative, but it's not.  You have your name and your brand because some of your developers worked hard and innovated to develop an algorithm that was better at using 3D information to track (real) steps.


What has your company done since that time? You've rested on your laurels and cannot implement features that involve a tiny improvement to the web site that would have made a massive difference to your customers l, if you hadn't alienated them and forced them into buying a second product from another company and admitting to themselves that their purchase of your product was a waste of money.


Godt A new update 30.08.2019, but goals still change in my history when I update my goals.


@LizFitbit any more info on this?? 

My goals change the same as before so not sure who has actually benefited from the long awaited update that doesn't work!!

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