Ability to turn off the Charge 3 Altimeter

I would like the ability to turn the Charge 3 altimeter off.  My Charge 3 records a crazy number of floors ... sometimes even while I am sleeping!  Customer Support has replaced my Charge 3 and the replacement performs the same way.  They cannot figure it out other than by saying that it must be "something geologic" that is causing it to happen and that the Charge 3 is "performing as expected".  Frankly, I don't care about floor counts, but I do care that the erroneous data the Charge 3 records affects my calorie count for the day.  I asked for the ability to turn the altimeter off since it doesn't appear to work well and Customer Support asked me to post my request here.  I get the feeling that I'm not the only one with altimeter issues, so the ability to turn it off would be a benefit to both users and Customer Support.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
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Fitbit Moderator

Hi @BobStein3 !That’s an interesting idea and could be useful, thanks for sharing this suggestion.Keen to hear what others think?

Tempo Runner

I agree there are numerous unhappy Charge 3 users (me included) complaining the erroneous floor counts.  I understand elevation (even gentle and gradual) may affect floor counts.  My 35 minutes lawn mowing at least gives me an extra 40 floors.  My usual 5 km walks on very flat prairie neighbourhood at least give me 8 m or 8 floors (though sometimes it could spike to 70 m for no good reason!)  I have even earned a Skydiver 1000 lifetime floors badge!

My understanding is that the floor counts do not affect calories count.  It is a useful statistic and I bought the Charge 3 partially because of this.  But instead of turning it off (which I could by removing the floors indicator from Dashboard though that defeats the purpose of me buying the Charge 3) I suggest giving the users the capability to edit away the extra floors.  Say I know that my walk may somehow net 8 m elevation change but I do not feel that equates to climbing 8 sets of stairs.  If Fitbit cannot improve the algorithm to effectively report the correct floors, as a user I should be able to edit the exercise log by removing the erroneous 8 floors.  Of course I should not be able to cheat by "adding" floors but I should have the right to "remove" the erroneous floors!

Counting indoor "real" stairs seems to be fairly accurate and I have no complaint.  It seems that it is the outdoor activity or landscape that the Fitbit algorithm cannot properly analyze and is in need of some HI (human intelligence.)

Base Runner
I agree with most of what you say. The ability edit floors ... and I would
suggest both add & delete would be beneficial to some users. There are
other users who do not need or use floor counts at all. Having to delete
floor counts multiple times a day would be burdensome. Instead, I would
suggest Fitbit do both ... give us the ability to disable floor counts and,
if enabled, the ability to edit them.

It isn't clear to me that floor counts do not factor I to calorie counts.
I've asked Fit it this question on multiple occasions and have never been
given a definitive answer from them.

Removing floor counts from the desktop dashboard is an option so you don't
have to look at the erroneous floor counts, but that doesn't remove them
from the app or the device.

The real solution here is for Fitbit to make it work properly. Until they
do, PLEASE give us the ability to turn off floor counts and to edit them if
we choose.
Base Runner

@JuanFitbit  I see MANY users posting about erroneous floor counts with the Charge 3.  Fitbit Customer Support has been inundated with complaints about it and have sent out who knows how many  replacement devices that preform no better.  It's a sad state of affairs when Customer Support tells you they can't fix it and our only recourse is a refund or to post the suggestion that Fitbit gives us the option to turn off the altimeter.  For those who want floor counts, give them the ability to edit them so they can be accurate. There are a lot of unhappy users out here!   PLEASE ... is there anything you can do to escalate this issue? 

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @BobStein3 , thank you  for your feedback.  Our Team is always looking on ways to improve our products.  Here you can find more about on how the suggestions are worked. 

First Steps

I am having same issue . When I wake up sometimes it shows that I had done 8floors already while sleeping. One day I even got 200floors count even that I didnt done any of them. Its so frustrating as I bought it to check how many calories I burned and then there are those additional floors it adds up to my burned calories ,also adds up to length of walked kilometres . So I can only use it for sleep tracking until this issue will be solved . As I cannot rely on the numbers shown of burned calories, steps taken ,floors climbed . So what is the point of this device if it doesnt do its purpose? It is big affair ,as they are advertising charge3 as able to do all these functions and this statement is misleading. Suggestion of having access to edit number of floors and disabling floor counting would be perfect problem solver until fitbit will fix this issue. So I could use my tracker for its function it been made. Now I just see this tracker as a scam , as fitbit doesnt react quickly enough to fix this issue, also using fake claim that tracker does its functions. (Also functions shouldnt be limited as tracker is meant to do these functions so no excuse! )


I appreciate all the postings about the altimeter problems on the Charge 3. I have had mine less than a month, and one day it recorded 43 floors climbed when I knew I did about 12. I unpaired and then re-paired the tracker, and also restarted it (the two solutions proposed by Fitbit Help folks) and in the several days since then, NO floors have been recorded, despite the fact that I know I did 10-12 each day. This is my third Fitbit, and I haven't changed residencies, so I know what and how each of my sets of stairs at home and at work get accurately recorded.  also note that it's been a year since most of these postings, and the suggestions I get from Fitbit Help folks has not changed at all. Why aren't they fixing this problem?????

Recovery Runner

I want to delete the FLOORS and WATER goals from my Charge4 device...however I can't even figure that out...??  I can delete from the APP on my phone and it syncs to the laptop so those are fine...but my device still shows it....???  

Status changed to: Not currently planned
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Fitbit Moderator

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this Product Feedback! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which product feedback is developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

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