Able to download Premium audio and video workouts

Audio and video workouts use data on my cellular plan. I would like to be able to down load (especially the walking workouts), so that when I am walking, data from my data plan is not used.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

First Steps
You should be able to download video and audio workouts on the go so you can access them I’d you have no internet access.I have no signal or Wi-Fi in my gym and therefore can’t access the workouts without them cutting out.
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Chansb, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback about the possibility of downloading video and audio workouts from Fitbit Premium. I noticed that a similar feature suggestion already exists, so I’ve moved your post here, this helps to keeps the boards more organized. Make sure to add your vote as well to support this suggestion, this helps the team of developers to keep track of popularity and demand over time. 


Thank you again for your participation in the Community.


Yes, this is very frustrating.  Seems like this  request to download videos and/or audio work outs  conversation has been going on for about 16 months now?  What’s the hold up please?  

A huge benefit of the  Fitbit Premium App is exercising outside the home.  Wi-Fi when traveling is often sketchy; not robust or unavailable.  I’m in Mexico and the Wi-Fi doesn’t work in the gym in my building.  Streaming classes uses to much bites.  Fitbit premium was a life saver during the pandemic but now the need for a home workout program is less and less critical and should not depend on Wi-Fi access or streaming.


I hope Fitbit will adjust to the needs of their customers.  Other apps do have a download option by the way!   Just saying….


It would be great if the feature to download the workouts was taken seriously, there are many of us that rely on pay as you go mobile services still and not able to support the data to support these workouts when we are actually out and about doing them!

I pay for the premium service and thought that in this day and age there would be the ability to download and play these workouts when a d wherever we are.

Fitbit please take these requests seriously and help us mere mortals out.

First Steps
Hello Fitbit

It is ages since I requested temporary downloads for workouts and nothing happens. Seeing as this is the most important thing about having Premium it would be nice to have a reply from you. You are now part of the Apple group so surely you are capable of doing what my library app has been doing for years now.

Appreciate your reply.

Thank you

Sent from my iPad

Agreed, seems like a really obvious thing to be enable...

Recovery Runner

iphone has an internal screen recorder app

First Steps

It is such a basic feature and fitbit wants people to raise this issue among fitbit community so that they can prioritize it. Seriously? Fitbit team, I would suggest you to put poll via your social media handle or email communication to premium users and ask them what features they would like to have and you will find out that offline download feature would be among top. 

First Steps

I too would like to see this feature made available. I just got a Sense 2, which came with a 6 month premium membership. I was excited to give these audio workouts a try, to see if premium is something I would want to continue when my trial ends, but after the first two guided walking workouts i noticed a big spike in my data usage. As someone who pays for data by the gig, if I can't download the workout ahead of time while on wifi, premium may not be worth it for me.

First Steps

Hear hear @SSNomad!


I see that the developers at FitBit have been avoiding this ubiquitous ask for at least three years now.  When are they simply going to make a download/offline option available?  What's the IP leakage risk when compared to the 1000s (if not 10s of thousands) of Premium customers with this very simple straight-forward product dev ask??




I have the Fitbit premium annual subscription and have been using it for three years. I have recently moved and the location I use to workout now does not have Internet access. I cannot continue using this service for workouts if there is not a possibility to download the workouts and will have to cancel my subscription. I'm surprised that this still isn't a feature and would be greatly valued.

First Steps
Hear hear! You and hundreds hundreds of us have been asking the same
question. 🤨 --
Sent from my iPhone
First Steps

Very good idea. Some of us are walking in wooded areas with little cell reception or data availability. There is no point having premium if it doesn't work everywhere I am working out/walking.

First Steps

Another upvote for this basic function. I will be cancelling my Premium subscription if this isn't resolved. Running/walking workouts are useless to me if I can't download them, or even if I could choose to have audio only so the workout used a tiny bit of data compared to eating all my monthly data in 10 minutes 

Recovery Runner

Yes please. Premium doesn't feel very premium if I can't rely on coach workouts to play while I am out and about. Peleton lets you download for instance, select 'outdoor run' audio so it doesn't stop while you're half way through.

Internet is spotty where I work out so either I have to constantly reconnect my internet while working out or use a large amount of my mobile data to complete my workout. Further, bc need to potentially use mobile data, have to use my phone vs my tablet, which makes the video small. Therefore, allow Fitbit premium coach videos be downloadable.
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @acecombat10, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about making the Fitbit Premium videos downloadable with us. This product feedback was already requested on this board, so I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

First Steps

Why is this not a thing yet ?! What's the hold up ?

First Steps

I want to download my Calm playlist for my airplane!

First Steps

Just got my first Fitbit and am stunned to find that the Premium library audios are not downloadable. I live in a rural area with no access to broadband and extremely spotty cell service that will not support audio or video streaming. The only was I can possibly use the library is to download the content I want ahead of time when I am at a place with WiFi. 

I see numerous other users have been requesting this feature for years! Is it ever going to happen?

Base Runner

Hi, this is definitely a feature I would value. I'm currently on my free Premium trial and love the running workouts but a 25 mini run has just eaten .3gb of data and I only have 7gb per month!! Obviously I can't keep going like that. I realise Google wouldn't want to allow downloads which can be used without subscription but surely it's possible to limit how users are able to listen?  Eg. Only possible with a live Premium sub? 

Thank you!

Base Runner

I guess those of us who can remember recording the weekly top 40 on a cassette player could imagine a workaround.

Just a thought....

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