Able to log blood pressure in the Fitbit app

I'd love a place to log blood pressure in the Fitbit app to allow a single location to track most health metrics would be awesome! Especially now that I can track blood glucose there as well.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Stepping Up

@LizzyFitbit to add to @NickBraco's comment, there are many of us that were tracking our blood pressure numbers in the app when FitBit originally offered it. When FitBit chose to do away with blood pressure tracking in 2015, I decided to wait it out. I saw so many other tracking options get introduced. I don't see why it was originally discontinued and why when so many members are asking for it, the tracking gets ignored. Is there any chance in the VERY near future that blood pressure tracking will come back? Otherwise, it may be time to evaluate other trackers/apps.

Please add blood pressure, medication and caffeine tracking
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @dtheory, we wanted to let you know that the ideas you recently posted already exist on the Product Feedback Board. You can see them here where you can add your vote to those existing product feedback:

Please try to make sure you only post one idea per product feedback, so we can keep the board organized, easily searchable and see which idea other members are voting for. Thanks for participating in Product Feedback.


I would like to be able to monitor my bp in Fitbit. And have an area for notes (like: after gym, before hike, etc). 


How do I vote for this ? All I need is a place to log the data, perhaps have a graph as an optional display over time. 

It would be nice to be able to export the data to xls or CSV to share with the medical folks that occasionally ask me to monitor and report. 

A recent trip to my health clinic now has me taking my Blood Pressure (BP) twice a day and recording it on a spreadsheet. At 62 having a resting heart rate of 55 is considered great, but my BP reported high. As a product idea, I know you cannot measure it as it complex (maybe use an ear lob), but as a product idea could you add a BP recording section to the App just as you do for BPM? It seems only natural to have somewhere to store and analyse the data as part of Fitbit. In time maybe you'll find a way to capture the data electronically, but just giving us somewhere to put the data would be helpful. For the moment I'm using an Excel sheet on OneDrive with conditional colour coded columns...
Thanks for considering the idea.

First Steps

I agree.  I use my fit for Blood Glucose too and would love it if it could incorporate itself to allow manual and other app inclusion into the Fitbit App.  That was we could manually add our Blood Pressure reading and also allow the outside app (mine is Withings) to the Fitbit.  All in One!!

Recovery Runner

PLEASE add blood pressure tracking to app. We can log weight, so should be able to add blood pressure so we can manually add our measurments. 

First Steps
I recently switched from Huawei to Fitbit and I would like to ask if is possible to add manual blood pressure entry section in to your app like something in Huawei health
Thank you in advance
Tempo Runner

You would think something like this would be possible in an app like Fitbit, but no it is not possible. You can go here: and vote for the request. The requests to add this feature has been open for 2 years. It would be great if Fitbit does add this someday. I use an app called: BP Journal: Blood Pressure Log to record my pressure readings each day. Would be awesome to have a log like this in the Fitbit app.

Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @Thyskie, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about being able to manually log your blood pressure on the Fitbit app with us. Because this product feedback was already requested in this board, I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

First Steps

Thank you. I already did.👍

First Steps

Need a place to log bp results into Fitbit sense.  I already have Premium, but that screen does not exist.

Recovery Runner


Join the queue, I have been asking for the PAST THREE YEARS for this feature !


I would like to use this feature too

First Steps

3 years later and nothing. Typical for google to buy something and then all advancement stops.  "We value your input" says the moderator who sent me to a 3 year old post/request.  

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