Able to track arousal on Menstrual Health Tracking

Add "arousal" underneath the symptoms 

I believe women would like to be able to track our hormonal arousal (especially those who rely on the "fertility tracking" method for birth control or are trying out a new form of medicine whether fertility related or not) This button would allow women to be aware of (and plan for safe practices) our heighten arousal days in relation to our cycles and 

sleep patterns
nutrition diet habits
irritability/ mood changes
levels of exercise
fluids and other symptoms 

Sometimes female arousal lines up with our ovulation days but just like those of other sex classifications  one's arousal (or lack there of) can be related to emotional and physical stressors.

Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

First Steps

Add "arousal" underneath the symptoms 


I believe women would like to be able to track our hormonal arousal (especially those who rely on the "fertility tracking" method for birth control or are trying out a new form of medicine whether fertility related or not) This button would allow women to be aware of (and plan for safe practices) our heighten arousal days in relation to our cycles and 


sleep patterns

nutrition diet habits 

irritability/ mood changes

levels of exercise 

fluids and other symptoms 


Sometimes female arousal lines up with our ovulation days but just like those of other sex classifications  one's arousal (or lack there of) can be related to emotional and physical stressors. 

First Steps

[Corrected by author]       Add "arousal" underneath the symptoms 


I believe women would like to be able to track our hormonal arousal (especially those who rely on the "fertility tracking" method for birth control or women who are trying out a new form of medicine - fertility related or not). This button would allow women to be aware of (and plan for safe practices on) our heighten arousal days in relation to our cycles and also to analyze arousal levels related to variations in our sleep patterns, nutrition/diet habits, irritability/ mood changes, levels of exercise, fluids and other symptoms. The benefits of being able to correlate any impulse-eating, alcohol consumption, increased sleep during a particular cycle to a higher or lower interest in sex/masturbation would be similar to how variations in exercise can impact hormone production in the brain. 


I believe in evaluating depression and anxiety markers, a behavioral heath specialist does typically ask "have you noticed any changes in your interest in activities you enjoy, exercise, hobbies or sex." This could help. Sometimes female arousal lines up with our ovulation days but just like those of other sex classifications, one's arousal (or lack there of) can be related to emotional, medicinal, and physical stressors in life.


Thank you for taking this suggestion into consideration. 

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @CWellness I find your suggestion very interesting. I joined both posts to keep the order on the Community! Let's see what other users think about this ! 

First Steps

PLEASE, add the option of arouse or high/low libido to the list of symptoms/mood. Thanks!

First Steps

Libido is the term I couldn't think of. Thank you alepuntocom

First Steps

Also, I noticed there was a suggestion on the more popular thread about symptoms to "name our own" buttons and use any random emoji on our personal keyboards for the button icon ... that could be an easy fix to all these symptom suggestions because just making a comment in a notes section wouldn't allow us to track personalized symptoms with the existing buttons.


Thanks a bunch to the voters and moderator for this consideration. 

Stepping Up

I think there should be an option added for "high libido" or "horny".  Now im not sure if that would fall under a mood or symptom,  but I think it would be useful! 

I can usually track my period better by that than almost any other metric.  

I think it would be interesting to look back and see how many days before I start my period I tend to start getting randy, and how far it lasts into my period. 


First Steps

I totally agree with you ladies!!! It would be great to have this be able to be tracked. Even if it was just an add your own symptom would be great. Although both this option and the name your own would be amazing! 

Recovery Runner

Fully agree! Was exactly thinking the same. 


Came to this forum to see if others have already brought this up; yes I want this too! 
Since getting off of hormonal birth control, my libido seems to heighten a lot near ovulation so I want to be able to track this. For now I was thinking of just using the “energized” mood since I don’t use that one otherwise in regard to tracking my cycle, and the mood and face matches the best too haha. Libido is a common mood to be affected by ovulation/PMS/menstruating that would be very relevant to track, more so than a just regular happy mood or whether I have a cough/am sick, which doesn’t seem related to menstruation honestly. Kinda surprised libido is left out; makes me wonder if the designers of this included (or consulted) women at all haha.

If not a libido option, some sore of create-your-own thing would be great as others have mentioned.

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