Add Airplane mode to Versa series

I recommend adding an airplane mode to the first firmware update.


I have seen several posts wondering about turning off bluetooth or WiFi on the new Ionic.  Several people have stated an interest based on small amounts of radiation, others have considered FAA regulations for devices.  This feature would also benefit people who work in government, tech, and security industries who work in places where transmitting devices of any kind are not allowed.  I am interested because being able to control how often my device transmits and whether or not it is able to sync provides me the ability to extend battery life because I don't always want a smart watch. Sometimes I just want a pedometer, but I don't want to switch between two different devices.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject and updated label

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Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Thanks for sharing your idea with everyone! We look forward to hearing what other Forum members think.


Totally agreed

Recovery Runner

Everything I have including my Moto360 has flight mode.

I agree that anything transmitting or receiving (I.e. my Ionic), no matter how briefly, must have a flight mode.

I vote for adding flight mode.

First Steps

I also vote for adding the flight mode.

Recovery Runner

Need a mode that turns off all transmissions of any frequency, for safety and security purposes at some installations. No Bluetooth, No WiFi, nothing!

Recovery Runner

Such a basic requirement. I may have to return my FitBit until a zero transmissions feature is added.

I have a ionic too and I am really interested in this feature, even if Fitbit doesn't seems to want to give it. It would be very simple to implement: just add a voice in the menu on the left of the watchface. That's it! 5 minutes coding and million of costumers satisfied!

Assuming that the costumers that use to switch off Bluetooth are aware of the fact that to synchronize it must be turned on manually

 Or at least, give the option on sdk to manage bluetooth switch, so devs can make an app for that


Completely agree. Would like to have an option to turn off bluetooth. Little bit disappointed that people have been asking this simple adjustment for months and still no change... Every other smart watch or activity tracker i know has this option.

Recovery Runner

I am getting the impression FitBit failed to anticipate this need and did not build the hardware/firmware such that all transmissions could be disabled. If this is the case, it’s no longer just adding the feature to software to “flip a switch”. If this is the case, FitBit should just bite the bullet and let everyone know they screwed up. With this much feedback posted, they should have already fixed it had it just been software.

Yeah, that is what i was thinking about. if is it true, adding this feature would require to rewrite many parts of the os and that is too much expensive


I also voted for this feature.


I will wait till this feature is available before I buy any fitbit wristband.

First Steps

Yes I'm surprised too that in 2018 a device doesn't have a way to turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth radiation. This is an essential feature for me and Ionic has to go back to the store unfortunately for me it is back to Garmin.

First Steps

Hello 🙂

Even low energy Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can damage your health - so that is the opposite the Fitbit Ionic wants to achieve. So I hope you can install a menu, where the user can turn off the Bluetooth and the Wi-Fi when it is not required. 

Thanks a lot in advance.

I'm thinking doing the same, even though ionic is a good device. Goodbye

Also the same. I love the ionic but that they just don't want to add this is really dissapointing. Going to Garmin

First Steps

I work in a secure environment and need the airplane mode activated while inside the building, otherwise I have to put it in a secured locker. This should be something that comes with any device that has wifi and or blue tooth.


First Steps

The pebble OS which Fitbit purchased had an airplane mode.  The ionic should too.

First Steps
Like I was saying, any device that has wifi and or bluetooth should be required to have airplane mode.if they decide not to i will not buy another fitbit device.

How do you turn off Location Services on an Ionic to save battery life?   I only need it on when I run?  I have an IPhone and I can always turn it on to sync with other devices if  I must.   Why is there simply not an option?   


How do you turn off Location Services or even Bluetooth on an Ionic to save battery life?   I only need it on when I run or want to listen to music, not when I sleep?  I have an IPhone and I can always turn it on to sync with other devices if  I must.   Why is there simply not an option?   


I understand that Ionic is still a new product. And I understand that it's easier not to handle all the exception cases when bluetooth is off. But, on the flip side, what does the software do when there is no connection to the phone? Can't that code be reused? 



I expect Fitibit to provide a better answer than "this feature is not currently planned" or "bluetooth activity is very low" or "you can reduce it by turning off all day sync". Similar devices from competitors have this feature. People buy products based on market differentiators. And this goes against the Ionic.


First Steps

 I just got the new IONIC update and the Bluetooth and wifi features still can't be turned off.  My TOM TOM watch does have this feature built in. 

Is their plans to implement this option soon? I paid a lot of money for something I can't use at work. 


Hurry up already

First Steps

Please Fitbit, make a watch that has the option to turn off the radiation / Bluetooth signaling. 

The charge 2 is a super good fitness and sleep tracker. But when people can't turn these signals off (and especially cause people often sleep with their hands near their face) it's not very healthy! The watch should still track sleep, but only send the information to the phone when the signaling is turned on again. Then you will have the perfect watch for health-minded people.

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