Add current fitness status rank to everyone's profile

Premium User
Fitbit Developer
Fitbit Developer

Hi @leear 


Do you want the ranking to be added in the user's profile or are you building an application to display this information?






Thank you for your reply. 🙂


The short answer, is I want the ranking to be added to everyone's profile page as an instant guide to the current fitness status of a possible new and current friend, to make this app safer for all users. 🙂


I have dabbled in programming, but alas, my skills are not robust enough to do anything commercially stable and safe 😞


I'm sure we can all appreciate the flaw in the Fitbit system of clear instant validation and trust, that a user is here primarily for fitness and health, because some people take up a fake persona of fitness, in order to engage with the genuine people only here for health and fitness.


I know Fitbit has the algorithms and analytics to show all currently active status on Fitbit so it's a simple bit of programming (for those with the skills) to make it a reality, and on everyone's profile page, there should be a mandatory letter defining their current fitness status. (see example)

It will be either A, B, D, N, R, S, or U












I’ve purposefully set the bar quite low to be as inclusive and encouraging as possible.


 The objective is to clearly and instantly identify the fit and active people from the idle, inactive, and potential scammers, that may not own a Fitbit.


I know Fitbit has the algorithms and analytics to show all currently active status on Fitbit so it's a simple bit of programming to make it a reality.


On everyone's profile page, there will be a mandatory letter defining their current fitness status. (see example) It will be either A, B, D, N, R, S, or U










Definitions: (suggestion TBC)

Active = at least 5k once a week

Booming = at least 20k once a week

Dynamic = at least 30k once a week

Sedentary = at least 2k but less than 5k once a week 

New = Joined (or rejoined) in the last week

Resting = was  A, B, D or S two weeks ago 

Unclassifed = Resting for more than three months

Premium User
Fitbit Developer
Fitbit Developer

I'll move your post to our feature suggestion board.   Other users can vote on features added like this.   Product Management looks at this requests when deciding new features to add to our products.

Status changed to: Reviewed By Moderator
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @leear, and thanks for taking the time to share this suggestion about adding a current fitness status rank to everyone's Fitbit profile with us. We rely on feedback like yours to help us develop products and features that we know our community wants to see. If this suggestion receives votes from other customers and gains popularity, it will be shared internally with various teams at Fitbit. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

Watch this space for status updates. In the meantime, try visiting Health & Wellness to talk with other members about all things health and fitness.


@LizzyFitbit Thank you for your feedback and suggestion 🙂  I hope that people know about the Feature Suggestions part of the Fitbit website. 🙂 


It has been pointed out that being “Mandatory” may be an infringement of some people’s human rights. The right to opt-out of being identified as fit or other. So a class of “exempt” should be added for these people who choose not to display their current fitness status on a fitness app.


On everyone's profile page, there will be (normally) a mandatory letter defining their current fitness status. (see an example of a D fitness ranking above)

It will be either A, B, D, E, N, R, S, or U










Recovery Runner

Hi @leear et al. Im not certain I understand the point of this feature, firstly because it frames the notion of fitness as being exclusively cardiovascular / steps taken, whereas there are a range of markers that identify fitness, such as strength, BMI, heart function, samatotype, diet and other contributing factors; and secondly because it sounds elitist categorizing and segregatating the 'fit' from the 'unfit' purely to find social matches.


Dear @nickpt et al,


Thank you very much for your constructive feedback and your honesty in admitting some confusion about the need for mandatory ranking of fitness by a letter on the profile page, based on the current status 🙂


The letter would be a Fitbit endorsed, instant validated social acknowledgment of activity and not intended to flame anyone, that may be new, hyperactive, inactive for a long time, or very sedentary inactive.


As you may know, some people use the Fitbit app for other purposes, than just personal fitness and the Fitbit Community has a wide number of people, some of which use Fitbit for non-related fitness attributes, such as scams of all sorts of nature. 😞


This won’t stop the scammers, but it will show that a person really has a Fitbit and flag the current fitness status of a person at a glance 🙂 and, if people want to opt-out of displaying their fitness letter, that should also be an option and the letter can be removed, so there would be no flaming in keeping personal activity private.


As someone with disabilities, this sounds like an awful idea. It's difficult enough for me to exercise without being constantly judged for it. I hope that if your idea does get implemented, it is as an opt-in system.

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