Add music controls to Charge 6

The music controls on your new Charge 6 are just some advertisement to most. Its for a paid service only and was the only feature that may have convinced me to get the device till I saw. Switch this to use generic commands, to control any music playing on your phone. Generic controls exist on lots of Bluetooth headphones, surely Charge 6 could too.
First Steps

Yeah I am currently in a really frustrating position where the Charge 6 checks all the categories I am looking for in a new fitness band EXCEPT the ability to control various media from the watch. I need the watch to be able to control Audible, Youtube, Music App on Phone, Spotify, Amazon music etc with some sort of generic media controller.

So now I am looking elsewhere at options like Galaxy Fit 3, Huawei Watch Fit 2, and others that have this very basic media control functionality. Even if their heart-rate, health, and sleep monitoring aren't quite as good. It just seems so crazy to me that you have limited media control to Youtube music only. Like its unreal, I would say it's Google pushing people to subscribe to their services, but the Pixel Watch 2 has generic media control?! So seems more like laziness or bad feature management. I would just bite the bullet and spend more to get the Pixel Watch but I have no interest in a charge every night watch and I have no need for the extra smart watch features over a fitness band.

First Steps

Is getting Spotify on the Charge 6 even a possibility with future updates? Just purchased this and didn't realize it wasn't compatible. Will hold out if it's going to happen, but will probably return if not. Anyone know?

First Steps

This is the primary reason that I haven't purchased a Charge 6 at this point. I have had 3 Fitbits until I lost my Versa 2 recently and am currently in the market to purchase a new watch that has all the new fitness sensors and is fully compatible with my Pixel 7 pro phone. That leaves you and Garmin. I don't care for the current selection of watch faces (and have read many complaints about that as well) but can likely get past that. The lack of generic music control is a much more important issue that I can't get past. Music is VERY important for my workouts and I do use the music controls regularly. I use Spotify for music because I find it far superior to YouTube Music. The fact that the Charge 6 is only compatible with YouTube Music is really hard for me to wrap my head around to be honest, and I'm sure you will continue to lose customers until you resolve this. If you fixed this I would most likely be purchasing a Charge 6 right away. Until then, my next purchase will likely be one of the more affordable Garmin models.  

First Steps

This also stops me from getting a Charge 6. It ticks all the boxes except media control.

First Steps

Purchased a Charge 6 today. I didn't research this specific feature because I assumed it was a given that any modern wearable would support this. Really stunned to see it doesn't and thinking of returning the watch. I have no interest in YT Music and will absolutely not be signing up just to use it this watch.

First Steps

It's hard to believe that this is still not solved. I talked to a colleague a few days ago and she was really interested in the neat fitness band I was wearing. When I told her "It's a Charge 6" she actually went "Nah, heard that you can't control your music with it". 
Seriously guys, you're missing out on new customers!

First Steps

A year since this comment was posted and still no change...great. I bought my Charge 6 just a few days ago as I'm still on my trip in the US.

I figured it wouldn't be that big of an issue that I can't pause my music while using the watch but it's starting to become a nuisance.

Was looking into alternatives since there seems to be no fix in sight for this particular watch, but the Galaxy Fit 3s sensors are so bad I just can't bring myself to return the Charge 6 just to go hunt for one, and the issue with the Pixel Watch 2 is that the battery is only rated at 24h. Please add general media controls or even just Spotify so I don't have to return this amazing watch, thank you.

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