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Add sleep widget for Android

The FitBit app for Windows Phone was better from a usability standpoint because any of the dashboard tiles could be added to the home screen as a live tile. I would like to see the sleep tile, at least, added as an Android widget so that Android can have parity for Windows Phone for tracking sleep on the device home screen. Better yet would be to make any of the FitBit dashboard tiles add-able as a widget on the Android home screen.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Existing Feature
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @mriches, thanks for sharing your suggestion. I'm glad to let you know this option is available for Android phones. You can enter en the Widget section on your phone and select the "Fitbit Quick Access" and drag it to your main screen, you will find the option "Log Sleep". 


Happy stepping.

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