Adding caffeine tracking

I would love to be able to track caffeine intake through the day. I don't really track my food intake so much, but I would enjoy being able to see how the tea/coffee/etc I drink through the day impacts onto my sleep!


Moderator Edit: Labels


Hi @LizFitbit, I am a Fitbit fan, but can you pls comment on the request to have caffeine tracking included as standard on all Fitbit devices (incl Alta HR), or at least bring back the Custom Tracker, which used to be a workaround for this?


i also love @TimAdam s idea to make the vote count for apps more transparent and ensure that very popular and simple ones, like this, don’t take 3 years to build, long after others already have it.


thanks for your feedback!


I own a Fitbit and a gear. I like gear has the caffeine option. It would be nice if Fitbit did. Fitbit should show up gear. They can do so much better on the app. 

Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi @Kolson055! Great suggestion, thanks for sharing. I've moved it into a similar request. Hopefully we will have support from other users since more votes and comments an idea has the more visibility and momentum it gains.

First Steps

Honestly surprised that a rather simple yet hugely useful feature hasn't been officially acknowledged since 2014..  After thinking that I was simply failing with my versa, researching this starting to rethink the brand I originally associated with wearable health tracking..  dissapointing


Hi guys, 


I also agree with caffeine tracking.  


in the same line of idea, I also created another post suggesting to track daily intake for "salt, sugar, cholesterol, saturated fat and trans fat" and have tools (weekly graph or other) allowing us to know if some of them are too high in our eating habits.  


Here is my post:


Feel free to look at it 🙂



First Steps

Bumping this post! Would love to see caffeine intake integrated into the Fitbit ecosystem. Tried to download a 3rd party app for caffeine intake on my Versa 2 (only app option I could find was called caffTrack by Seun Adekunle). After downloading, the app gives you a button to "add intake" you then choose from coffee, espresso, instant coffee, more caffeine sources, etc. I was then expecting it would allow me to enter my own mg count, but it auto adds a standard mg? There's no option to edit. Not all coffee is the same or has the same mg of caffeine, so I'd really love to be able to enter my own caffeine stats. iPhone's Health app has a way to track it, but it'd be nice to have everything all in one place so I can log my caffeine when I log food. Please let me know if I'm missing something or another feature in which I can easily track caffeine. Thanks!

First Steps

I agree. It is a lot of work to log food especially when I don't eat out/ chain restaurants or boxed foods. Would prefer to take my caffeine intake. 

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