Allow third-parties to access live heart rate data (so Fitbits can act as HR monitors)

Since the Surge and Charge HR can already connect via bluetooth to phones it would be great if you could allow third-parties to access live heart rate data directly from the device.  


This would allow apps like Strava, Runkeeper, MapMyRun and others to use the Surge and Charge HR as heart rate monitors.  


Moderator edit: added label

Recovery Runner

It would be very useful if 3rd party apps like Endomondo could track heart rate data against exercise - or alternatively if fitbit could get exercise data from 3rd parties and map that to exercise data. This would make devices like the Charge HR much more useful.

First Steps

Please set up the Surge to allow for heart rate transmission to fitness apps.  In particular I am interested in BikeBrain.  This seems to be a common request and one that would be well received.  I do not like the idea of having to buy a separate wrist band just for the times I am cycling.

First Steps

I completely agree. Fitbit is already connected to Runtastic to share all the information but the HR. I think it would make a big difference. Thank you


Recovery Runner
+1. Should cover all fitbit models.
First Steps

I too would love to be able use use my charge 2 heart rate in other apps.




As Fibit do not sell any bike device, it would be nice to allow the HR to be broadcasted to a bluetooth bike computer 😉



First Steps
Thanks for the input.

That was actually the reason I started this thread. I could not find a way
of using my Fitbit with my bike computer
First Steps

Please Allow 3rd party fitness apps to use Blaze as a heartrate monitor.

First Steps

Agree, for all fitbit models!


Also for the Charge2 please!

First Steps

You would bring considerable value to the Fitbit brand by allowing the top four running platforms (Runkeeper, MMx, Runtastic and Strava) to access the HR data of this favored HW device. Each of these platform sites list customer frustration for Fitbit at the absense of this connection. Should we as customers be looking to a Fitbit product with a richer feature set (Surge) to expect this level of integration? Thoughts?!

First Steps

So disappointed that by workouts won't sync from Fitbit to mmr.  I entered into a challenge on mmr so can't leave for Fitbit.


Would love Charge 2 to work with RunKeeper, so I can see my Heart-rate graph next to the Climb, Average Speed graphs. Just like all my RunKeeper friends do with their heart-rate monitors. This is why I bought the Charge 2!

First Steps

I bought my Charge2 to replace a Polar HR belt, disappointed that it will not link with Endomondo.

First Steps

Yes please, was my own fault for not doing enough research, but I just assumed all bluetooth enabled heart monitors could give their info to apps like Endomondo (and conversly, use its/my phones GPS for activity tracking). So while the Blaze has worked out great in other areas, without this it's like buying a fancy new car and realizing it won't drive on interstates, only in circles on parking lots designed by the car manufacturer.


This has been requested for almost two years now and nothing. I'm going to toss my Fitbit soon for a different real HR monitor because third party apps, especially Rock My Run, are so important to me. Really sad how little Fitbit cares.


Yes please allow this! 

This needs to happen stat this is ridiculous!!


I am done with FitBit and the company not sharing data such as heart rate. I have a Charge HR just sitting on my desk collecting dust now. If I have to use another device to get something as simple as heart rate when FitBit already has it (But won't share), then I no longer need FitBit.  You would win if you didn't put up walls around the data and allow it to be shared with other apps also. All your doing is forcing me to go with something else. It is a shame because I liked the device and community.


Please provide mutual integration with MapMyRun. It is exhausting and inefficient to have to input my stats into Fitbit when my primary running app is MMR. Other fitness trackers have seamless integration with MMR and having gotten used to this, I was expecting same from Fitbit. Please at least provide users with the option of which platform should be prioritised by stats (MMR or Fitbit), e.g., I cold combine HR from Fitbit with KM, incline, maps, etc from MMR. Thank you.

First Steps
Hi, I too find this to be a pain in the back side I have not managed to import or export any data from either app. It means that when I run I have to set both apps in motion and record the same run which reduces my battery life. Also there are discrepancies with both the distance from the GPS.

I think its about time they pulled their finger out and sorted it so that runs can be executed in fitbit which automatically link with MMF. I have to use both apps due to being signed up to a challenge in MMF which will continue for the year, also I have a lot of friends on MMF who don't have fitbit, there should be facility to compare their info with mine in fitbit.

Please make this happen soon.
First Steps

I was really hoping that the Fitbit app would be able to pull my runs and workouts from Map My Run app. How disappointing! Map My Run has P90X already built in, so now I can't get those calories into Fitbit. Uggh!

Not applicable

I actually sold my Fitbit Charge HR to a colleague because of this missing feature. I was also running with both the Fitbit and a HR monitor on my chest...


Currently looking for a new tracker that does sync heart rate and 2 way syncing. If there's a software update I'll probably come back 😉


I agree with most:

I purchased my fitbit assuming that I can get live HR on Strava screen while riding my bike. 


My prior HR watch, Mio Fuse was perfectly doing this and more with robust rain performance. I do not recall any recording being terminated premature due to display getting wet and rubbing to my clothing. Add custom HR zones and zone alarms, $99 Mio Fuse as of now is definitely better than my Blaze for recording my riding activities. 

This is a definite deal breaker for me but before going to craigslist, I will wait for a while to see if patience will pay off 🙂


Apple Watch is officially going to replace my Fitbit if this doesn't change by August. Common...Apple Watch can sync!! If you don't think they're a serious competitor, think again. At least two years to just open up exercise editing...this'll take a decade probably.

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