AlwaysOn for Clock Faces with a separate view

I used a Charge 2 and upgraded recently to a Versa 2 and I like it very much. And I like the SDK a lot, but I'm missing one feature.


Right now on my Versa 2 I can choose between an analog and digital clock representation for the always on mode. But it would be very cool if developers could create an "always on clock face representation" of their clock face they're developing.


To make this a bit clearer: Assuming that you build an analog clock face with colored rings for your daily goals, steps, etc. In a seconds SVG file you would build a second clock face, but very minimalized (black and white) in the same dimensions. So the always on clock face shows YOUR black and white clock face and when you turn your wrist, it loads the "real", colorful clock face. I hope you get what I mean.


I think the new Apple Watch has this feature already.


I would love to see this feature coming to use in the SDK on developing clock faces!

Status changed to: Under Consideration
Fitbit Developer
Fitbit Developer

Thanks for the feedback, it's a great idea.


This is a very cool idea! 👍

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