Bring Back Fitbit Flex series

It would be nice to have a tracker without display that is very slim, just like the Fitbit Flex 2 used to be, maybe an improved version. No competitors offer similar devices. The Flex was one of a kind.


Moderator Edit: Clarified subject

Status changed to: Not currently planned
Moderator Alum
Moderator Alum

Hi everyone, and thanks so much for sharing this suggestion! While we don’t currently have plans to release this feature, we always appreciate the passion and creativity that comes out of this Community. Since we know this idea is important to many of you, we have left voting open to continue tracking interest and will post another update if anything changes. To learn more about how Fitbit decides which suggestions get developed, visit our FAQs.

We're always striving to enhance Fitbit products and services, and your input is a big part of that process. We truly thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us.

First Steps

I just submitted something similar.  I would love to have a "whoop" like device that works with fitbit and just tracks what my current fitbit tracks.  

First Steps

The Flex 2 was amazing! It was accurate, small and slim, discreet, with pretty accessories available, waterproof, and versatile. I really hope they bring something back like this one day. 

First Steps

I am also not a fan of how big and bulky the trackers have gotten... I might as well be carrying my phone around.

The flex 2 was my favorite, I currently have the Inspire HR and I will not be purchasing another unless they can bring down the size.


I agree 100%! I love wearing watches, as in the "old" style watches... just regular, not smart watches. Therefore, I do not want a fitness tracker with a face on it. Currently, I still have and use my Fitbit Flex 2. I would love to see a Fitbit Flex 3, with all the cute accessories, become available. I would most definitely purchase, at least 2. One for me and one for my mom. We both agree! I do not wear my Fitbit swimming so I am not concerned with the waterproof aspect but I LOVE the sleekness of the Fitbit Flex 2. Please Fitbit! Bring the Fitbit Flex3 to life!!! 

First Steps

I agree 100%! I LOVED my Fitbit Flex and Flex due to the fact that it was small, compact and was not a HUGE screen.  I like that I knew when I was getting a call or a text but do NOT want a phone on my wrist.  I understand that Fitbit is trying to "keep up with Apple" with the larger screens but not everyone wants that. I had to break down and buy a new Fitbit because my flex 2 is showing all of the flashing lights and not syncing or turning back on and since it is outside of the warranty I had to get the larger screen and I am not really happy about it. 


PLEASE bring back the Flex line with the similar dimensions of the Flex 2 and I will gladly buy a new Flex to wear on occasions where the new one is to big of a show piece where as with the bangles from the Flex 2 it looked like a regular bracelet. I would get so many comments how how sleek the bangles looked because unless you knew it was a Fitbit you wouldn't know.  I think that Fitbit is missing the niche market with discontinuing the Flex line and they need to reconsider bringing it back ASAP. 

First Steps

I completely agree!! There is nothing on the market that is as simple as the little dots on the Flex 1 and Flex 2. 

I have an Apple Watch, but sometimes I don’t want to wear it or I watch to wear a real watch and not a tracker with a screen. 

I wish we could have a new and improved FitBit Flex 2 waterproof and stylish!! 

This is a great way to get people who went back to wearing watches or smart watch, but want to track via FitBit tracker. 

My brother would want a tracker, but wants to wear his watches. So he doesn’t use a tracker for that reason. There is definitely a market here - 100

First Steps

Yoga practitioners, cyclists, surfers, night shift workers (to track sleep), swimmers, minimalists, may find the FLEX2 Design more appealing.

It can be improved by enabling notifications for MS Teams, and adding accessories.

Personally I work in an environment where I could easily break any kind of display. The FLEX2 has been an excellent choice for me.


I have been saying this for yrs. I loved the Flex! It was perfect size and I didn't care about a face on it. 

First Steps

@YojanaFitbit A lot of individuals who don't want a screen option since they either use a watch or other smart watch. If Fitbit is still interested in betterment of the people all over world I believe this device can deliver. We are already looking at so many screens and other gadgets, we really appreciate if we could get a fitness tracking device without a screen. I believe that this can bring a lot of revenue for the company. Also, I want to bring your attention to Amazon Halo tracking device, it does not have a screen and it is doing well for the company. This is what people want, why not deliver it. 

First Steps

Yes to all these points! I do not want a watch face since I wear my Fitbit all the time. I’m trying to incorporate wellness in my life and I think an important feature is the option to exist in a day without constant reminders of time or phone notifications. It’s crazy to me that this has become so hard to find now! If it is not Flex 2 that comes back, please at least incorporate a feature to minimalize information on the screen…like perhaps just 5 dots. I really hope more overall wellness needs are considered in the entire design. 

First Steps

The fitness tracker concept became popular under the idea that it was something a person could wear and not think about that would gather that information for you. For example I like the fact it gives me an idea of what my sleep patterns are, but I’m not going to wear a watch to bed. The tiny screens on inspire and/or charge try to split the difference, but are too small, and I’m not going to wear one of those AND a watch. I want a discrete wellness tracker. Please bring something back like the flex2. Other than somewhat limited battery life (recharging once a week is about right), it was perfect.

Stepping Up

Completey agree with all of the above.


24/7 (apart from when charging) I wear my Flex 2 next to an analogue watch (easily readable and has years of battery life) and I don't want a smartwatch with screen that eats battery life.


Love the Flex 2 band too, without the buckle.


HR would be a great addition.


When it bites th dust, I won't be replacing with a Fitbit if there's nothing simialr available.

First Steps

Flex2 is a very convenient band that gives the optimum features to track your activity with a sleek design. The best advantage is that you could wear it all day long even if you're someone who enjoys switching watches. It'd look quite weird to wear two 'watches', one a fitness band with a display. 

The battery life is also a lot better than most of the smartwatches out there including that of FitBit. I would strongly urge @Fitbit to consider bring back upgraded Flex2, I'm sure people are going to love it!

First Steps

The Fitbit Flex 2 is/was everything that the other trackers aren't.  It's discreet, slim, accurate & versatile.  I'd pay good money if a new updated version was released.    

First Steps

Exactly!  NO other tracker is like the Flex 2.  Tiny and holder offered were like jewelry or other options to wear for sports that WAS NOT a WATCH!!!  Please bring it back or something similar.

First Steps

I hundred :hundred_points:  percent agree with this. I think we are already dealing with alot of displays these days we don't want one more in our lives. Guys can you please bring back some upgraded version of flex 2 really looking for a fitness band that can do everything just fine but also don't have any screen.

First Steps

I also agree. I have an inspire I bought- under protest- when my flex died. I miss how unobtrusive and not obnoxious the flex was. I won’t be replacing the inspire- in fact I almost never wear it so it might have already died. I’d love to stay with Fitbit if they brought the flex back but as it stands I’m actively looking for something else. 

Recovery Runner
For people who like to wear watches from other brands like Rolex or swatch or Omega or any other brands we can’t wear two watches at the same time because please Revive flex series and let us buy Flex 3 soon
Premium User
Fitbit Moderator
Fitbit Moderator

Hi @assel506, thanks for taking the time to share this product feedback about bringing back Flex series devices with us. I noticed this product feedback was already requested on this board, so I’ve moved your post here. Please support this product feedback by adding your vote, this helps our developers to keep tracking its popularity and demand over time.

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