Bring back the old sleep summary page

When I had my Charge 5 and the first few weeks of having my Charge 6 the app would give me a sleep summary page with, Sleep Stages, Time in each stage, Oxygen levels and Bedtime and wakeup all on a handy page. Since a recent update I now seem to get a much more basic three tiles and I have to open each one and look through for all the information.
google has all my info i already have 153 apps on my phone i'm not
adding ore
First Steps
Well said. It’s no way to run a successful business or keep customers’ loyalty.
First Steps

I literally dislike the new sleep format. Please return the old format. It is so hard to read. 

Thank you 

First Steps
Exactly!! Well said.
First Steps
I hope people will continue to provide their feedback and frustration. It’s the only way for the company to realize what a big mistake this last update was.
First Steps
Based on my experiences with Fitbit and Fitbit customer service over the past 2 years, I can say that I’m not likely to purchase another Fitbit product unless something changes.

Switching to a new brand takes some adjusting, but I’m not a glutton for punishment, so if that’s what it takes, so be it.

@Advantent, turn off auto updates in the Play Store.

First Steps
I wonder if any Product Manager at FitBit is even looking at all this feedback?

Sent from my iPhone
Of course not!

I'm going to need to leave fitbit - after years of happy use.  the sleep "update" is a huge step Backwards.  and I've been having problems syncing my data maybe 2-3 times a week.  I didn't buy this thing to suffer more stress in my life! 

someone said to download a Google app - and go through a bunch of steps - to maybe get the old sleep data back.  No Way!  first, I don't use my Google account for fitbit - and don't want to go through the hassle of changing that.  Then I don't want to go through the hassle of messing with a second app - when the fitbit app alone worked just fine.  Have these developers ever heard of a concept called, "if it works, don't fix it"?!  

Sorry, but I'm shopping for another way to track steps and sleep. 

First Steps

Apparently fitbit does not want any more customers. Changing anything for the worse and not listening to customers' feedback is simply not only ignoring them but also chasing away from their own product. Why struggle with bad software if you can find something better. Competition do not sleep, is watching you!

Recovery Runner

I hate the new sleep log version.  Why would you change a great feature to a poor version ?  Such a bad move.  I have been with versa Fitbit for years but will now look to change.   



I woke in the night my sleep tracking shows i woke but unlike my 40 huawei my 140 charge6 won't tell me what time I woke there is no sliding time bar do I need to pay extra for membership on top of the high price to buy to get my wake up in the night time that is included for free on huawei? May be fitbit should have someone at apple or huawei give things a once over a quick check before signing off on things  . As the next poster says you long press on graph so fitbit does have the wake up time feature thanks

I've noticed that GPS map logging (drawing a map of your route) stopped
working, for me anyway, about three days ago. I haven't changed any

As far as the sleep log goes, I found by accident the other day that if you
long-press on one of the sleep zones on the graph, a vertical line will
appear under your finger and the app will tell you the from/to time of any
zone you scroll the vertical line over. Still relatively rubbish - but at
least it's something.

I've also noticed though, that if you wake up in the middle of the night
and look at the sleep graph, the oxygen variation logging won't restart.
When you get up in the morning, the app will have continued to log sleep
overall, but the oxygen graph will stop at the time that you woke up

As far as the sleep log goes, I found by accident the other day that if you long-press on one of the sleep zones on the graph, a vertical line will appear under your finger and the app will tell you the from/to time of any zone you scroll the vertical line over.  Still relatively rubbish - but at least it's something.

I've also noticed though, that if you wake up in the middle of the night and look at the sleep graph, the oxygen variation logging won't restart.  When you get up in the morning, the app will have continued to log sleep overall, but the oxygen graph will stop at the time that you woke up earlier.

In other news:  I've noticed that GPS map logging (drawing a map of your route) stopped working, for me anyway, about three days ago.  I haven't changed any settings.


Apologies for boring you all with the same post twice.  The email link told me my first comment hadn't been accepted, so I followed the alternative link and did it again, only to find that my first attempt had worked after all.  


I am glad you did thanks. I now know how to check my wake up in the night time . It seems it was a user issue 

First Steps

Go back to the previous sleep info new one is useless and not as detailed as previous one. 

First Steps
Do we know if anyone from the company read these comments?

There seem to be an awful lot of them and they are constantly being posted.

Great if we could have some sort acknowledgment James Park - CEO and
President of Fitbit.

Sydney - Australia
Sent form my iPhone
First Steps

Totally agree, the new sleep summary is confusing and unclear. It’s typical of change for change sake. Presentation of data is so important. The little lines connecting the different stages of sleep are totally unnecessary and clutter the presentation to such a degree that it’s difficult to access the data

First Steps

I totally agree. The new log is not as good so it’s a retrograde step. It’s so much harder to understand and less clear . We were given no choice - if they want to change something so important there should be a warning and option to choose the old or new format. Very fed up about no choice 

Recovery Runner
James Park is no longer with Google/Fitbit and as such is no longer Fitbit
CEO. He left early this year after Google folded Fitbit management in with
the Pixel Watch and Nest management team. This action probably explains a
I was told by “customer-no-service” that this was the only way to get the
message to the developers and leaders. But I suspect they pay no attention
to any of it.

I don’t know how to get it to the people in the leadership chain that can
act on it. I wish I did.
Do we know who the new ceo is?
Recovery Runner

Whoever decided that the sleep display should be changed and more importantly, whoever supervised and approved that change, should be fired.  Horrible unreadable new interface to something I used to check daily.  Now, I use this piece of expensive plastic on my wrist to tell time.  What a huge waste.  Unbelievable that with all the feedback something is not being done.

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