Cancel Friend Request

I think if you send a friend request you should be able to cancel it and resend it. Just in case your friend never got your friend request. It can be very easy to over look friend requests or sometimes you send one to someone by mkistake. If facebook can do it then so can Fitbit.


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First Steps
I accidentally friend requested someone and wish there was the ability to retract that instead of waiting until the person accepts before I can remove their profile from my friends list.
i sent to coworkers and then realized that i didn't want anyone at work knowing how many steps i'm taking when i'm off or have called in sick. she hasn't accepted yet but i have no control iver when she does. once that happens, i'm screwed.

Put me down as another person who wants this feature implemented.  It is so easy to accidentally send a request to someone, a retraction/deletion option is needed.  Other social networking sites have this capability.  Why Fitbit doesn't is beyond me.

First Steps

Yes. It's ridiculous that the implementation of this feature is taking so long. I would think that it would be a priority. It's obnoxious to accidently send a friend invitation out and not be able to rescind it. Please Fitbit... get it together!

First Steps

PLEASE make it possible to cancel/undo a friend request. Thank you!


Please give us a way to cancel a friend request.  It is too easy to accidentially send a friend request and there is currently no way to cancel the request once made.  I know I can cancel the delete the person if they become my friend, but I want to cancel the friend request (as if it was never made in the first place).  There should be a way to undo the request sent.  

First Steps
I still can't believe that they have not fixed this issue! People have been suggesting this for quite sometime already... It's really not a hard thing to do.
Please add this feature!! I have work contacts in my phone that would find it very odd that I invited them if I accidentally touched heir name while scrolling, as well as FB friends that I have no interest in reaching out to in this way, and sending an accidental request while scrolling is so easy! It's not about being able to delete the friend after they accept, it's about not having them see the request at all because it makes you look weird in the context of your real life relationship.
First Steps
Come on fitbit PLEASE add this feature this is crazy
First Steps
This is unbelievable. We can't cancel friend requests? I accidentally sent friend request to someone who died a year ago. Could this please be corrected? Maybe consult with people at FB or Google about this feature. Thanks!
First Steps
Could some one from FitBit please comment on this issue? Is it being seriously considered? Are these requests being read? This is a very badic feature request, I am confused about the delay/lack of response.
First Steps
Annoyed to see so many comments over such a long period, with no solution from FitBit. Seems like a simple thing to allow us to uncheck a fat-fingered request, or to add a confirm pop-up before the request is sent.
First Steps

Yes I agree this is essential!

First Steps

I am having the same problem. I hope that they will fix this soon because it is really starting to bug me.Smiley Sad

Premium User
First Steps

Cancel friend request. This is a basic function. I can't believe it's not included! Sort it out Fitbit! 


Yes!  Please add this as a feature.  Right now I have 4 requests I would like to cancel.  In all 4 I made a mistake typing the email address.  Now they just sit there.  ugh.  I want them to go away.


Fitbit.... please add this feature.

I wonder if Fitbit even reads these comments. My mistaken friend request
is still siting there too. And it's been months! 🙄
First Steps

I too clicked on a name and the app automatically sent a friend request. I just wanted to read a profile, not be friends. I don't even know her. Please either add a feature to delete a friend request or change the way it works now. Ask if we want to send a request. 

Thank you for fixing this problem. 

Two thumbs up!! 👍🏼👍🏼

Could there be a new feature added to  Fitbit to be able to "Delete friend request" that was sent. Accidentally hitting the "add button" and not being able to correct it by deleting the request is aggravating at times. 

First Steps

Please make it possible to undo/cancel a friend request. I accidentally sent one to a stranger with the same name as a friend, and I'd REALLY like to remove it.



First Steps

Just want to bump this thread.... its sad that this has been asked for repeatedly, for a number of years now and it still has not been addressed.  All we get is the same scripted answer of deleting them as a friend once they accept. People should not have to wait for that. I have an accidental friend request that has been pending for almost a year. Obviously they will not accept it, since it was an accident.  Please come into the age of modern communications and add this feature.

Premium User
First Steps

Why is this still an issue?  The original post about this was May 2015 for crying out loud and there still no resolution.  


Moderator Edit: Word Choice



First Steps

The subject describes the suggestion. Thanks for your consideration.Mobile App


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Recovery Runner

I have to wholeheartedly agree with most of the previous comments. This has been requested long ago and is still not being worked on? I accidentally sent a friend request to a friend of someone that I was in a challenge with. I don't know them and did not mean to hit request. I am a male and the picture is of a female holding a small baby. They probably think I'm a stalker as well. The button on the phone is placed so that when scrolling on your phone it is entirely too easy to accidentally select 'add friend'. There should be a 2 step friend request.


1) 'add friend'

2) 'confirm' 


In addition there should be an option after a friend request has been sent that allows for cancellation:

'cancel friend request'.


Thanks for your consideration of this simple but needed change.

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